Temple Puja Essay

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With reference to the quotations and a significant person studied, analyse the impact of Buddhist teachings and worship on individuals and the Buddhist community.

Through the teachings of the Buddha found in ….. , Buddhist adherents are given the direction to which is points to the ideal way of living. These teachings allow adherents to build Karma and work their way to enlightenment by eliminating desire. As adherents follow core Buddhist beliefs such as the Noble Eightfold path, and the 5 Precepts, they walk the “middle way”, as well as quench desire, and achieve the ultimate goal of Nirvana. These teachings come in the form of sacred writings, of the Tripitaka or the Pali Canon, and make a significant impact on individuals and the community
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How does the general teachings …show more content…

. . it transcends the intrinsic nature of matter . . . being attainable through special insight affected by strong effort. BUDDHAGHOSA, 5th century India
This is to say that The Dalai Lama XIV has also made a significant impact on Buddhist adherents, and has allowed for buddhist teachings to have a more far-reaching effect on individuals. He has done a lot of work to the expansion of Buddhism in the Western world, and has adapted the buddhist philosophy to be more understanding to adherents.

It is through Buddhist Philosophy that Buddhist adherents base their opinion on ethical areas such as

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