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Background of telemedicine
Literature review on patient satisfaction
Literature review on patient satisfaction
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Recommended: Background of telemedicine
Systems failures could occur in any phase in the system development life cycle, and most of time a failure in an information system indicates that this system is no long performing the functions as expected. The system failure will be discussed in this paper is about the telehealth services system.
Telehealth service is a modern topic that emerged around thirty years ago, and there is not sufficient evidence of the actual system failure about this type of service because only few industries such as Missouri Telehealth Network are implementing this service; also, most of them have been continuously innovating and progressing but not applying in so many health care regimes . Because I am currently building a telehealth services system with other
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The research pinpointed the fact that only 21% of patients felt satisfied and almost half of all patients experienced an unsatisfactory service. This dramatic statistics illustrated that there should have been a system failure when those hospitals were implementing telehealth services.
Following with this research, another research studying the safety of telehealth and telemedicine, conducted by Taylor P2 in 2005, used the research result above to synthesize the reasons that people were not satisfied with this type of service; the most significant reason was the high cost and requirement of technology. In previous years, telehealth services were mainly about using telephone to establish the communication between doctors and patients. There was not sufficient interaction between two sides; then, this so-called asymmetric information occurred and hurt the efficiency and trust of
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The failure could have happened since the beginning of planning phase. The team that did this project might have not done the feasibility analysis appropriately, especially for the technical feasibility analysis. The whole team did not have the sufficient technical support, and this mistake underlied the whole system failure. Moreover, the mistake happening in the planning phase could have triggered the mistakes in further phases. The hospitals, furthermore, probably did not tend to rely on this service to generate profits. There was no financial needs or business model needed in analysis phase, and there was no enough previously successful examples for the teams and the hospitals to learn from. Therefore, these project teams and hospitals are real pioneers in this industry and there probably would be no reason to blame on these pioneers based on those
Electronic health information systems prevent errors by involving everyone in a primary health care setting which mainly includes specialists office, emergency department to access the same
The lessons learned from the CareGroup network collapse: 1. Don’t hesitate to bring in experts to make sure your network is configured properly. Correct assessment, however the lesson doesn’t factor in when to bring in an expert. Despite an over-reliance on technology, there needs to be a timeframe for this expert and how their analysis will support overall technological requirements.
...ward understanding the cost benefit of telemedicine applications. Hospital Topics: Research and Perspectives on Healthcare
The world of healthcare changes every day. Technology, as we know it evolves and changes the actual care that patients receive and even post care as well. It has been determined that most faults are caused by system failures. When a break in the system has occurred it must then be decided where the,” inefficiencies, ineffective care and preventable errors” to then influence changes within the broken system (Hughes, 2008). Improvements sometimes can begin with measurements and benchmarks which in turn will allow organizations to assess the trouble spots and broken areas within the system. Many times those broken areas within the system will be owned by the humans who operate within these systems. According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM)
Gershon, H., & Pattakos, A., (2004). Creating market opportunities: Innovation is key. Journal of Healthcare Management, 49(1), 9-11.
Telehealth is the monitoring via remote exchange of physiological data between a patient at home and health care professionals at hospitals or clinics to assist with diagnosis and treatment. As our society ages and health care costs increase, government and private insurance payers are seeking technological interventions. Technological solutions may provide high quality healthcare services at a distance, utilize professional resources more effectively, and enable elderly and ill patients to remain in their own homes. Patients may experience decreased hospitalization and urgent care settings, and out of home care may not be required as the patient is monitored at home. However, no study has been able to prove telehealth benefits conclusively. This change in health care delivery presents new ethical concerns, and new relationship boundaries between health care professionals, patients, and family members. This paper will discuss telehealth benefits in specific patient populations, costs benefits of using telehealth, and concerns of using telehealth.
The purpose of telemedicine is to remove distance as a barrier to health care. While telehealth is an accepted resource to bridge the gap between local and global health care, integrating telehealth into existing health infrastructures presents a challenge for both governments and policy makers (HRSA, 2011). Today there are policy barriers that prevent the expansion of telehealth, including reimbursement issues raised by Medicare and private payers, state licensure, and liability and privacy concerns.
“Telemedicine is the use of medical information exchanged from one site to another via electronic communications to improve a patient’s clinical health status” (American Telemedicine Association, 2013). Telemedicine is the use of technology such as email, mobile devices, and computers to communicate health information (Mayoclinic.com, 2014). Telemedicine has enabled the use of communication technologies by healthcare professionals for the evaluation, diagnose, and the treatment of patients in rural areas (GlobalMed.com, 2014). Telemedicine is used in a variety of health care services like primary care, patients monitoring, health information sharing, health education (America Telemedicine Association, 2013). These services are delivered using various mechanisms such as video conferencing, personal health apps, e-visits (Mayoclinic.com, 2014). These technologies have been proven to increase access, to be cost efficient, to improve quality, and intensify patients’ satisfaction according to the America Telemedicine Association.
... Anglin, S. (2006). Success factors for telehealth—a case study. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 75(10), 755-763.
Among the main aims of health care reform and improvement is expanding healthcare access to different populations, which have been subjects to underserving for a long period. These include the poor, the previously uncovered, rural societies, and the minorities, to mention just a few. Great challenges definitely lie ahead, since several individuals start seeking access to the primary healthcare clinicians (Arnaert & Delesie, 2001). Telenursing assures to be a crucial tool to meet such needs. It refers to making use of the telehealth technology in conducting nursing practice and delivering nursing care. Because of the quick telemedicine technology adoption within the healthcare institutions, telenursing emerges as a fresh tool that provokes discussions
There are a myriad of concerns related to telemedicine due to the inherent risks involved, which relate to the more obvious reason that most people would think of when the concept of telemedicine arises. One of the most obvious concerns related to telemedicine relate to equipment breakdown. Equipment breakdown is a serious concern to patients and doctors when it comes to telemedicine because in order for telemedicine to function properly it requires that all of the equipment to function smoothly because of the sensitivity of the problems that relate to what is being performed. Examination cameras, remote monitoring devices, digital scopes, mobile telemedicine carts and even surgical robots are all working in tandem in order to prevent the passing along of inaccurate patient information that can seriously harm a patient’s health.
Implementing telehealth. support medical practice in rural/remote regions: what are the conditions for success? Implement Sci. 2006 Aug 24;1:18. Epub 2006 Aug 24.
In the past several years the healthcare system has experienced new changes in its structure and technology. The macro trends in healthcare are healthcare reform and the regulations of technology in healthcare that the government has put in place. Healthcare systems in the past have had some real complications both in the provided care and computer technology
From state and federal levels, the healthcare industry has come a very long way, experiencing changes along the way. The development of advanced technology that has enhanced the quality of healthcare delivery systems will help all patients to be able to benefit. Doctors are able to access patient records at a faster rate and respond to their patients in a much more timely fashion. E-mail, electronic transfer of records and telemedicine will give all patients and physicians the tools needed to be more efficient, deliver quality care and deliver quality telecommunication at a faster pace than before.
Telehealth nurses use the nursing process to provide care for individual patients or defined patient populations over a telecommunication device” (Stokowski, 2008).