Teenage Years: A Critical Period of Physical, Cognitive and Biological Development

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Teenage is the evolutionary as well as the revolutionary period of one’s life. It is the time when one goes through the worst so as to reach out to the best. It is the most precious and memorable part of one’s life, and also one of the most difficult. According to a recent survey at Yahoo-a social networking website- teenage years are the best years of a person’s life. Esther Williams, a famous personality of his time once said, “Everything about my teenage life was almost ideal”. During the teenage period, one is leaving childhood and entering into adulthood. Teenage brings about dramatic changes in a person’s life. This is the time when a person develops physically, cognitively and biologically. A person’s stature and weight increases considerably during the developing years of teenage. Furthermore, he gains the physique of an adult. Along with teenage comes the development of a person’s psyche which enables him to think on his own. The ability to understand complex problems of life also develops during teenage. It is the beginning of the stage of operational thinking that involves deductive logic. A person reaps the ability to develop abstractions and hypothesis as well as analyses and understands a problem in a systematized way. Moreover, he understands all possibilities from a certain situation and develops conceptual thinking. Teenage also brings about substantial social development in a child. It is the time when a child leaves his nest and starts flying freely in the air. He develops vocational and management skills which make him self-sufficing and self-sustaining. He remains no more dependent on his parents instead he reaches his ultimate goal of independence. At this turning point of life, a person is on fire. H... ... middle of paper ... ... 4 out of 100 become seriously depressed and anguished to the extent that they are ready to commit suicide. The reasons are bad grades, relationship with family and friends and alcohol or drug abuse. The upshot of depression is always devastating. It is estimated that every 30 seconds a teenager commits a suicide. The reason is the same, ‘depression’. To put it in a nutshell, I would like to conclude that teenage is indeed a crucial part of one’s life. It is the time when one’s personality develops and his entire life depends on the outcomes of teenage. If properly guided, a person could develop an idyllic personality and it has happened in the history. In bad company, a person would develop an abysmal personality which would rust off all his talents. So, I urge all the parents and teachers to give full guidance to the teenagers for they are the rulers of tomorrow.

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