Teen Suicide Essay

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Every day, there are approximately twelve youth suicides (“Teen Suicide S tatistics”). According to the National 2005 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey, about one in six teens reported thinking about suicide (Mehta 2). Yet many teens isolate themselves from their family and feel like they can not talk about their feelings to a loved one. Research shows that most people who contemplate suicide do not actually want to die but do not see alternatives for ending their pain (Mehta 2-3). In the end, a person’s bottled up emotions becomes too much for them to handle. Some turn to drugs and alcohol to try to numb the pain and others commit suicide because they see no other way of ending their grief. Suicide is a major factor especially among adolescents and needs to be addressed immediately.
There are many warning signs to look out for that may indicate that someone is considering suicide. People can be affected both physically and emotionally by suicidal thoughts. One physical signs of suicide is poor school performance like changes in grades or academic failure which can mark the start of adolescent depression (Barankin 1). They may also lose interest in sports, hobbies, or other extracurricular activities (“Teen Suicide” 4). Emotional warning signs to watch for in teens are low self-esteem, behavioral problems, and stress (“Teen Suicide” 2). In addition, psychological conditions such as anxiety, stress, depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia are all crucial warning signs to be alert for that imply suicidal thoughts (“Teen Suicide” 2). Adolescents may experience alters in eating or sleeping habits which can fall under both physical and emotional warning signs (Mehta 3). Additional signs that falls under both physical and...

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...vercome suicidal tendencies. (“Teen Suicide” 5,6).
To be brief, teen suicide is a major problem and should be taken seriously as it can be prevented. Adolescent suicide can be prevented if parents act as role models and teach effective ways to solve problems and cope with stress. Parents should also communicate openly with their teens about the problems in their lives. As has been mentioned, physical and emotional warning signs should be watched for as to indicate suicidal thoughts. In addition, adolescents who have psychological conditions or a substance abuse problem are at higher risks for suicidal tendencies. Furthermore, treatments for individuals experiencing suicidal thoughts are antidepressants or attending a group counseling session. All in all, suicide is a major factor especially among adolescents and needs to be addressed immediately. (“Teen Suicide” 6).

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