Team Arrow Analysis

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Frightening, infuriating ,maddening. Whichever way you put it was just bad news for you to be in the same room with Oliver Queen lately. He wasn't upset with anyone in particular in "Team Arrow"-- more so a "fUCK MY LiFE, jESUS" type of upset combined with the subtly touches of "I'm gonna this fucker". Whoever this jackass is, Felicity is going to punch him the face for making her want to punch Oliver in the face more than usual. My god, he's just being a moody teenager. Keeping his problems to himself. No one knows what the hell is happening with him. Lashing out because no one has figured out his snowflake-problem-life. Not telling anyone about his goddamn snowflake-problems because he's a stubborn ox. Then when she ignored him ,he becomes moodier until she does notice him and then he ignores her because he wants attention but won't say what's wrong. She just really wants to wring his neck. Now Felicity Smoak is very proud to say that she is a very patient caring and loving friend but she's had enough of wanting to strangle the emo out of him. So this is where the plot begins ( in her …show more content…

More pictures about Barry Allen though. Oliver discovered everything about him from who his parents are/were, his reports about a yellow flash , to digging up his therapy session files to his school files , to his schooling and job all the way up to his Instagram account [forensics.ismyjam]. If Felicity didn't know any better, she would say that Oliver Queen is being really,really gay. But she does know better. When Oliver has his mind on something, he jumps head first into it. So, she could safely say that Oliver is flaming fucking homo for one Barry Allen. Aw, yes. Or else all the photos he looked at most often wouldn't have been the ones where he's shirtless in a swimming pool or the one where he's trying on

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