National Language And Lingua Franca Of Saudi Arabia

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Arabic is the national language and lingua franca of Saudi Arabia. It is widely used, both formally and informally, for inter-personal communication. English is the medium of instruction in many higher educational institutions in Saudi Arabia, like medical and technical Education colleges. This change in the medium puts a strain on the students. As a result, many of them rush to language teaching institutes to learn to cope with the new medium in tertiary education. Many students, it is observed, watch English movies and use electronic media to develop communication skills. They struggle hard to learn to both receive and produce English sentences and discourse.
Saudi government made it a point to provide equal educational opportunities …show more content…

Much is left to the imagination of the teacher and the students, and, if possible, upon the interpretative ability of the students. In new methods, the teacher’s skill in making the learner feel the experience of the writer contributes to effective learning. The teacher has to have ability to apply new techniques suitable to the learning of English language.
The teacher must have an ability to connect the non-native aspect in the content and language with real life situation. It is very important for teachers to provide a safe learning environment, treat language learning as a social process where comprehensible input is a must when expecting comprehensible output. Most importantly, FL teachers must provide students with adequate teaching methodology and time, as well as suitable vocabulary and learning activities that will permit for the development of verbal …show more content…

That is why English teachers must find methods that are the most appropriate during the different stages of the teaching and learning process and then design curriculum to meet their final goals.
Discover the maximum opportunity to develop your potential with the help of teaching methods offered.
Changes in Focus of Learning
In the new world of changing global requirements, the methods are to be modified by the teacher while educating the students. Globalization now has altered the objectives of teaching English into skill based, self- learning, professional and unicultural concerns. The modern techniques, use of materials like audio-video, participations in seminars, live interactions, preparing students for varied source of information on their own, developing the skills of synthesis of knowledge among them, such methods are to be followed to remove the cultural and linguistic barriers and make the learning more fruitful.
To foster learning a teacher should make the students think critically. Critical thinking is a disciplined manner of thought which assess the validity of things such as statements, news, stories, arguments, research etc. (Richard R. Day,

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