Teaching Abstinence and Abortion in Junior High Sex Education

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Teaching Abstinence and Abortion in Junior High Sex Education 1. The two most important topics for a junior high sex education curriculum I think would be abstinence and abortion. Teens these days are struggling in a world that tells us sex is necessary for people who are dating. As a result, many teens give in to their desires and the pressures and engage in sexual relationships. This occurs from early to late adolescence and beyond. Supporting teens' choices, schools teach "safe sex." In my school a group was brought in to demonstrate for the entire school how to put on a condom, using a microphone. This turned into a joke, no one taking it seriously. Even so, it is a horrible example. We have to teach the kids abstinence is the only way to prevent the large problems of teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. I can recall that abstinence was mentioned as a side-note as the only 100% guarantee against these two problems. It is a mixed message delivered when teens are given condoms in school that are only about 60% effective, but told that abstinence is the only prevention. Abstinence is the only total prevention, so America's schools must stop promoting ways that try to block pregnancy and STDs. Abortion is my second important topic. Adolescents are growing more and more careless in their sexual behavior and that has led to growing pregnancy rates. Many of them have decided to terminate the pregnancy and the child's life. The physical and emotional harm that abortions cause would have to be addressed, because not many are well informed in that area. A recent talk show that had a man refusing to believe that he was the father of his girlfriend's daughter because he "only conceives males." It is... ... middle of paper ... ...ior between couples. They will begin to feel that you do not need love to have sex; and that love in a sexual relationship is a hard find. But they are convinced that sexual intimacy is necessary in their relationships. If and when these relationships break up, it poses large emotional and social problems for future relationships. To prevent this, teaching children early in adolescence to build friendships and stressing the importance of friendship in all relationships will help. Encouraging abstinence is always beneficial, for it will discourage those couples that would normally frequently engage in sexual activity. Also stress that intimate relationships with a significant other are not essential to having a good time. This can help relieve some of the pressure of peers to be in an intimate relationship, especially if the person helping is of similar age.

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