Teachers Options

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Teachers Options There are many options open to teachers of deaf children in a variety of situations. In teaching deaf and hard of hearing children there is such a wide range of children, each with their own abilities. Each child also has a different family situation to take into account. Some children come from deaf families, some they are the only deaf family member, and some have no support from their families because they are deaf. There are also students that have family members that make an effort to learn how to best communicate with them, while some do only what they must to communicate the needed information. Along with this is the severity of each child’s hearing loss. Some suffer from only slight amount of hearing loss and can therefore have better verbal communication skills, while some are completely deaf and have no way to communicate besides through sign language. Another differing aspect is the type of classroom the teacher is teaching in. There are four basic types of classroom (Stewart & Kluwin, 2001) that deaf education teachers can be placed in. The most pictured classroom is the traditional classroom where a teacher has a group of all deaf and hard of hearing students, usually only about five to eight children with a range of learning levels. This teacher must be prepared to be teaching on different grade levels within one class. Others types of classrooms are a resource room where there is more of a one-on-one focus, itinerant teachers who travel between schools and students, spending only a select amount of time with them. The last typical type of class is a team teaching situation where there are both hearing and deaf students in a classroom and another teacher that focuses on the hearing ... ... middle of paper ... ... a resource library for any questions concerning deaf education. Mason, D. (1995). Why Bilingualism/Biculturalism is Appreciated in Deaf Education. Deaf Children’s Society Newsletter. Retrieved April 18, 2002 from the World Wide Web: dww.deafworldweb.org/pub/b/bibi.mason.html Raising deaf children in a bilingual culture is discussed on this website, the many advantages to this are made clear. www.oraldeafed.org This is a website all about oral deaf education, the reason for choosing this, the method, the process, and the advantages. www.cuedspeech.org Cued speech is presented on this website. They show what it is, how it works, what it looks like, and why it is a good method to use. Zak, Omer. (1996, July 13). What is Cued Speech? Cued Speech FAQ. Retrieved April 9, 2002 from the World Wide Web: www.zak.co.il/deaf-info/old/cued_speech.html

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