Teaching is one of the many ways people learn. Some will say that teachers are very influential people. They are able to reach and impact people in a negative or positive way. Teachers have different personalities and all different types of teaching styles. The way a teacher acts in a classroom affects how the student learns.
A teacher should not only have respect for his or her students, but remain professional at all times. Because, if a teacher does not show any care or respect for his or her students or even the class itself, the students will not reciprocate with respect for their teacher or the class. As the leader of the students and the classroom, the teacher needs to be firm in demanding order, but not be overly rigid so as to
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If the teacher is unable to control the class and force the student’s attention, then the lesson will not be as effective. Teachers who are able to interest the class are able to maintain the student’s attention. When the teacher serves merely as a sitter, the teacher is not conveying the lesson properly within a reasonable time frame.
A good teacher is able to form a professional yet caring relationship with his or her students. If a teacher has one on one meeting with his or her students, the teacher manifests a clear commitment to each student and shows that he or she invests in their academic development. A good teacher is one who is able to share certain life experiences with students to help them understand the teacher as a person. Teachers should not present themselves as perfect and omniscient. Being able to share jokes or maybe a funny scenario will keep the classroom interesting and keep the atmosphere more
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Anyone can give or take a random test, but it does not mean you will pass. Most tests will be in one of these there forms multiple choices, essay and fill in the blank. Multiple choices will be the easiest choice of the three. Because you are able to logical narrow down you answers. Fill in the blank is the most challenging because a lot of information is given to students during lectures and lessons taught. It is very helpful for the teacher to point out what is going to be on the test. This allows the student to be more engaged and make sure they are listening to lectures. In order to give an essay as a test option the teacher should provide real topics to refer to from class. Essays should not be about the fluff you add to make your essay teacher acceptable but it should be straight to your point and not just add things to get
...se a good teacher is a benevolent contagion, an infectious spirit, an emulable stance toward life. That is why it is said good teachers enjoy a kind of immortality: their influence never stoops radiating.
Teachers should try to make the class as interesting as possible. If the students are interested in learning they will try harder and learn better. Teachers should be a positive influence on their student’s lives. They should not only teach them the basic subjects, but also try to make them become better people by being involved with them. Some parents don’t care how their children act and don’t try to help them overcome problems such as shyness; therefore it is left up to the teacher to help these students. This is where the teacher should become a friend and role model for the students.
Therefore it is important to behave correctly. The children see everything you are doing and are likely to copy you. The strength of this is, that the children can see where they would like to stand in the future. A teacher can show them what it means to be an adult and that they have to work hard in school to achieve that.
After spending some time reading about effective teaching, I found that one of the key aspects that seemed to come up most was communication. I believe that as a teacher you will need to have a range of communication, interpersonal and group skills. Communication is not just about being able to speak with your students , but also include writing, reading, listening with your eyes and ears, and also body language.( Ornstein, Lasley ,2004) For effective communication a teacher must interact and communicate respect , there should always be respect for the students, Parents, Colleague’s and their network of educational professionals . I feel that listening deeply and giving credit for the student’s contributions will encourage respect from the students, a great example of this can be seen in the (Online course: Becoming a Teacher,2005). The Teacher’s Name is Anne Christodulou, and the communication with her students is continuous, respectful, shows a caring attitude, and provides a model of high ethical standards. Coulson (cited in Killen, 2009) describes: “Effective communicators as teachers that will relate well with students, explain clearly, make their expectations explicit, and engage the students.” I be...
I never had a teacher that I clicked with. Changing from school to school was hard and anytime I would get close to someone, I would end up changing schools. I never knew what it meant to have a teacher care about a student so much. That all changed when I moved to Delafield, Wisconsin in 2007. I started a new school in the fourth quarter and everything felt the same. All of a sudden, when seventh grade came around, I felt like a whole new person. This is the year that I met the teacher who became a part of my life. Mrs. Wroblewski has positively inspired me to follow my dreams and be who I want to be. Mrs. Wroblewski is an inspiration to me and a role model because she defended me when I was bullied, gave me great opportunities, a great listener, and is always there for me not matter what.
My personal philosophy on teaching is to inspire my students to think and to be objective thinkers. Like life, classrooms are filled with incidents on a daily basis. It 's interesting, as an active participant, to actually experience these moments shared between teachers and students as relationships are built mostly based on personality. As professionals, it 's expected that emotions take the back seat in decision making, but humans think with their heart a lot. A teacher in my estimation is one of the most human
Everyone knows that when it comes to making a difference in a child’s academic and life achievements, their teachers play a large role. A teacher’s ability to relate to their students, and teach them to achieve both socially and academically contributes to how effective they are. What does it mean to be an effective teacher? Overall there seems to be an emphasis on teacher effectiveness related to how well their students are performing on standardized testing. As teachers we know there is more to being an effective teacher then just teaching our students based on tests. This paper will identify different definitions of an effective teacher along with how to assess teachers on being effective.
Teachers serve as the guiding force in a student’s life. They are responsible for molding a student’s personality and shaping his/her mental orientation. Teachers deeply impact our lives and direct the course of our future. One cannot deny the influence of teachers in one’s life. In fact, it would not be an exaggeration to say that, till a certain age, out life revolves around our teachers. They are our constant companions, until we grow old enough to come out of their shadow and move ahead on our own.
Being a teacher is not an easy task as many people could think. To be a teacher does not only imply to know the subject to be taught, it also includes being willing to constantly improve oneself integrally, as much as updating the resources and materials one uses in teaching. Reflecting and analyzing over and over again the best way to teach to learn and how to make students to extend what has been learned. The many hours spend in the classroom will never be enough to plan lessons, prepare materials, review pupils tasks and exams, as well, all the administrative requirements one has to cover for whatever institution we work. Besides all this a good teacher, a professional one, will have to find the time to keep preparing to improve oneself.
An effective teacher will excite, inspire and motivate students to be active in their learning, investigate new areas of knowledge and make connections to future learning (Whitton et al 2010). When a teacher is successful, their students are motivated, mutually respectful and ready to build on their knowledge and solve real-world problems. To be a teacher of value, one must have many skills and qualities to cater for a diversity of learners and their individual development; this includes many personal traits that are noticed students.
There are many things which make a teacher great and they all can`t be defined.However i`ve always considered several of them essential.In my opinion a good teacher is someonewho first of all creates interest in studying,doesn`t underestimate the children,has equal expectations of siccess from everyone and last but not least likes his job.
To help students up the ladder, school indirectly teaches its students about respect. Although not found on the pages of any text book, learning lessons in respect can be very helpful. The idea of respect starts with teachers and often branches to the development of peer and self respect. Everyone has experienced a teacher that they couldn't stand and dreaded going to that class. It was times like that which challenged the respect that had begun to develop. In eight grade, my english teacher was one of the mose mean people I have ever met. I got a 0 on a quiz because I spelled one word wrong (it was not a spelling quiz). I hated going to her class, half the time, I just wanted to scream at her.
One good quality a teacher should have is, respect for the students. Each person’s ideas and opinions should be valued and not judged. They should be able to express themselves without feeling insecure. Another good quality is, having high expectations for your students. Each student should be encouraged to do their best and achieve goals that they may have never met before. Another good quality is, I believe a teacher should have is good communication skills. They should keep not only the students informed on what is going on in the class, they should definitely keep the parents informed as well. Teachers need to know how to communicate with all their students because some are at different levels than others.
A Teacher Holds the Key to Knowledge, Success, and Fun The greatest gift a teacher can give students is a positive learning experience that lasts a lifetime. An outstanding teacher is a good role model, fair, consistent, and open to new ideas. A good teacher can motivate and entertain without students realizing the learning process it taking place. It is a great achievement for a teacher to see the “light bulb” come on over a student’s head when he/she understand a problem or can figure out an equation.
Each relationship is different and each teacher has his or her own way with students. I have seen from a distance that for the most part students have great respect for teachers and therefore get respect in return. A couple of teachers expect respect, and since it is not earned, students do not always give it. I live by the thoughts that I have to earn the respect of the student body and model behaviors for them. The relationship I build with them is up to me, but in order for great things to happen, I need to foster individual relationships and show that I care.