Task Orientation in Sports

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The importance of strength training was collaborated along with task orientation in a study that consisted of 90 athletic males and 43 athletic females. According to the article, strength training has been one of most influential and beneficial aspects in initiating tasks in sports. In other words, task orientation was significantly high in terms of accomplishing and maintaining standardized, individualistic performance in sports. In fact, the study reveals that individuals high in task orientation tend to judge success as means of, giving absolute effort, performing to their best of ability, working together as team mates and taking pleasure in their sport; according to the participants who worked out in the strength training program. In similar terms, athletes with high task orientation demonstrated task oriented goals; in particular, undertake a new competence, as well as, bettering their original skill. The results proved that task orientation had considerate positive association with self-enhancing ego, and social acceptance. This correlates to the fact, that participants were more engaged to the sport with team collaboration, and mutual ability or skill with the sport. More importantly, the study revealed that 11 out of 15 athletes, who achieved a task elsewhere, used it as somewhat of a success from the improvement that they demonstrated in the weight training program. For instance, Casey, a hockey player, who flourished in task-orientation from weight training, noticed that physical training has made a big improvement in his success in other tasks. Likewise, Mandy, a basketball player, noticed her changes in playing has significantly altered from learning about squatting, and enhancing the techniques used for that particu...

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