Tale Of Two Cities Comparison Essay

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Some people say that hate starts wars, but in reality, love is the root of all hate. Whether it is love of country or family, hate grows for the side trying to tear apart or threaten the love. In Charles Dickens’s novel, A Tale of Two Cities, two characters fight for their beliefs and ideas, all stemming from love. Ms. Pross and Madame Defarge show the theme that love is the strongest emotion of all through their treatment of others around them, their sacrifices for what they believe in, and their dedication to their families.
Each character treats those around them differently. Ms. Pross cares greatly for who she loves and wants to have a good life. She is a determined and hard headed woman who has great concern for those close to her. When Lucie fainted from shock of learning about her father, Ms. Pross instantly leapt into action,‘“she softly laid the patient on a sofa, and tended her with great skill and gentleness: calling her "my …show more content…

Pross and Madame Defarge act on love for their families. Ms. Pross acts as the mother bird over the Manette family. She would defend them to her last breath. Her dedication to her ‘family’ has no boundaries. Nobody can threaten Lucie’s safety and get away with it. “ I know that your intentions are evil, and you may depend upon it, I’ll hold my own against them” (p. 285). Ms. Pross was willing to give her life for the chance for Lucie to escape unscathed. Madame Defarge’s acts of love for her family were ones of revenge. She wanted to avenge her family and get even with those who destroyed her family. Even though Darnay and the Manettes weren’t the ones who were at fault, Madame Defarge couldn’t see through her blind rage. “‘But, the Evremonde people are to be exterminated, and the wife and child must follow the husband and father’“ (p. 362). Madame Defarge was running solely on hatred and the strong desire for revenge. Her dark urge to kill all those who harmed her family was her

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