Synthesis Essay: Why Build A Monument?

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I believe we should consider in creating a monument.A Monument is something created in memory of a person, event, ete, such as a statue. Some people may ask, why build a monument? The reason people build monuments is because the monument manufactures its own aura. You should think of a monument likes it’s you, say you did something to deserve to be a statue, you would love it right? That’s why i think agency should consider in memorializing an event or person and in creating a monument.
Historical significance is one of the main points of a monument. No matter how nice and good looking it looks, if it doesn't have a good background then there's no point of building it. Most people want to learn about things that have a great or just good historical significance, and when building a monument you can sometimes found out more about it."The monument of Christopher Columbus in Riverside Park",(source B) has some historians significant behind it. Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer, …show more content…

When you look at it, you should want your eyes to pop out. You shouldn't want it to be compared to anything around it. If you can compare it to you liked then that's not a decent monument."Waiting for Crazy Horse (source C), isn't completed, it's a slow job". The face is the only thing that's completed after all that time. The rest- his broad chest and flowing hair, it's his outstretched arm, his horse- is still encased in a stone. If you look at it, you would love it, because i looked it up and found it and it was beautiful.The face that is done is gorgeous, it looks just like the stone.As you are structuring the monument, make sure it's extraordinary. If it have your name on it you should want it to be neat and good looking, make it pop." Looking up at the monument in the golden light of late afternoon, it was hard not to be impressed" (Source

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