Synthesis Essay: The War Of The White Rose

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The War of the White Roses
Although everyone believes in something, most of us would not sacrifice our lives for many things. The odds are, I probably wouldn’t give up my life for very many things. But in 1942, Nazi Germany, three young people who were only a few years older than me, wouldn't let the fear of death stop them from doing what they believed in. These young college students sacrificed their lives for the good of their country and the people they loved. To fully understand the story of Hans, Sophie, and Christoph, the creators of The White Rose, you need to know about their life, their courage, and how inspiring their work was. (Hornberger)
Hans and Sophie Scholl were regular people, just like us. They siblings in a hardworking German family who loved their country. They both went to the University of Munich, where they met the people who they would work with to free Germnay from oppression When the Nazis came to power, they enthusiastically joined the Hitler Youth with their friends and classmates, which their father didn’t like very much. Their father was later imprisoned for complaining about the war to his secretary. One of the other original writers of the pamphlets was Christoph Probst, who was an older student at the University of Munich. They were helped by their psychology and philosophy professor, Kurt Huber. They wrote their …show more content…

We are taught not to back down, and to stand up for what we believe in, even if that's not what everyone else thinks. We are shown that we can't back down form the things that are important to us, while we shouldn’t sacrifice our lives for the majority of things, we should still stand up for them. And while we may not always agree with the consequences, or if we believed that our actions, don’t deserve consequences, there are times when you need to accept them, whether you like it or not.

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