Synthesis Essay: Over-Reliance On Technology

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Have you ever tried searching on an engine and getting absolutely no result? The Internet is a very powerful and complex tool that has gained popularity over the last few decades. It is a technology that has played an important role in the education of our youths; it has become the first and almost only source of external information for students. However, it has grown so rapidly that it has affected all of our community. The over reliance on technology has shaped our minds and made us creatures that depend on easy ways to find solutions. It has faded our train thought and decrease the ability to concentrate on single task. The Internet has softened human’s brains, demanding less processing form the brain affecting the way …show more content…

While reading a text he should isolate himself and keep away from distractions in order to keep track and not miss the train of thoughts. But, this has become an unreachable dream, because whenever a reader has started reading, he would be forced to pause, because the digital world interests him more. The distraction can only occur by seeing the screen of your smartphone turning on at his peripheral view. In other words, difficult texts need single tasking with uninterrupted focus so that the reader can comprehend what the author means and to find the purpose of the author. The web has made communication so rapid that no one would think about his or her respond before typing it. They respond to the question proposed by just a superficial thought. This kind of a habit also reflects on the way a person would read an important article as well. This disables students to provide a valid and modest critique of an article in college, when they are asked to critically analyze the view of the author. All these issues can easily be addressed at the school by introducing complex texts and researches that have to be conducted without the use of

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