Symptoms Of Schizophrenia In The Film A Beautiful Mind

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Description In the movie, A Beautiful Mind (Howard, 2001), John Nash is a middle aged man who is attending Princeton University, who begins to use mathematical descriptions which leads him to impairment and distress. Nash’s behavior eventually leads him to meet the criteria for Schizophrenia. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (2016), Schizophrenia inhibits how a person thinks, feels and behaves, it also falls into three different categories: positive, negative, and cognitive symptoms. Nash displayed 3 overall symptoms in these categories, hallucinations, delusions, and reduced feelings of pleasure in everyday life. First, Nash experiences hallucinations (positive) such as seeing his roommate and believing he is a part of helping the government break Soviet code. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (2016) these hallucinations can be describe as voice or visual hallucinations because John is experiencing hearing and seeing things that no one else can depict; this is important when he is sent to a psychiatric hospital for the first time and the doctor asks his wife, Alicia, if she has ever met his roommate or if she as ever seen the work that John works on, the …show more content…

It describes accurate symptoms as discussed in the National Institute of Mental Health. As said previously Nash has many paranoid delusions and hallucinations that describe accurately specific types of delusions and hallucinations. Another accurate statement by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (2017) is that in order for an individual to be diagnosed with schizophrenia, a person must have two of the five symptoms listed: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, catatonic behavior, and negative sympotoms and Nash exhibited three. Overall, the symptoms that were presented throughout the movie are both precipitated by the National Institute of Mental Health and National Alliance on Mental

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