Symbolism In The Secret Life Of Bees

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Throughout life, we as readers come across many different stories to read, but there is always a common aspect to gather from each and every story or novel. All of these stories have symbols, whether they are cultural or contextual. The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd is one of the many examples that shows an extravagant use of symbolism even if it was unintentional. Kidd’s symbol of the Black Madonna that is recurring throughout the entirety of this novel is a staple statement that can be perceived as Lily’s mother or as a clue that will eventually lead Lily to the answer about her mother, the holy mother Mary that is the figurehead of the Daughters of Mary, and it is used to show power with women and even more specifically African American women. …show more content…

Lily finds an address on the back of this image and comes up with the hypothesis that Tiburon, South Carolina was where she would find all the clues she would need to figure out more about her mother. Once Lily decides to leave with Rosaleen the image of the Black Madonna becomes her solace or guidance throughout her journey to Tiburon, South Carolina.
Once Lily and Rosaleen make it to the Pepto-Bismol Pink house the Black Madonna suddenly becomes, not only guidance throughout her continuing journey but also a mother figure to Lily and Rosaleen through the Daughters of Mary. At the beginning of their stay, Lily and Rosaleen both learn about the Daughters of Mary and their lady in chains which is portrayed as the Black Madonna who the Daughters believe that has taken in Lily and Rosaleen as her new daughters over time. Once Rosaleen has accepted Mother Mary Lily starts to see her more and more as a mother figure to all the daughters and the few

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