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Nationalism during World War
Differentiate between nationalism and nationalism
Differentiate between nationalism and nationalism
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Patriotism and nationalism represent contrasting matters depending on the individual being asked to what the event the topic is associated with. Although in many cases, the line between nationalism and patriotism is often hard to distinguish as other factors come in play when discussing such large concepts. On the other hand, Sydney J. Harris develops his opinion of the definition of nationalism and patriotism in the source provided. In addition, Sydney J. Harris does this by accentuating the clear gap between nationalism and patriotism. By initiating that nationalism leads to several extreme measures of dangers to the nation all because of an individual’s blind arrogance. Showcasing that Sydney J. Harris is an anti-nationalist as he uses negative …show more content…
I agree that nationalism is an element factoring in the rise of war, yet, I also believe that not all wars are the result of purely nationalist circumstances. Patriotism should also be acknowledge for the negative occurrences rather than the glorified patriotic perspective of just pride and devotion for one’s country as the source illustrates. This source is significant as it brings attention to how nationalism and patriotism may be seen today due to the incidents throughout history. As understanding that nationalism is a key element in building a nation and should not be categorized as a demonstration of blind arrogance that ultimately will lead to war. Ultimately, patriotism comes hand in hand with nationalism rather than a distinct barrier between the two which Sydney J. Harris does not support. The position Sydney J. Harris’s source took, should not be fully embraced to the maximum extent as the perspective of nationalism reflected in the source does not acknowledge all the positive perspectives of nationalism involved. In addition, the source falsely identifies the type of nationalism approached in the reference and the negative issues associated with …show more content…
Sydney J. Harris establishes the patriotic perspective by stating that a “patriot is proud of his country” and the “feeling of responsibility” that comes with being a patriot. In my perspective, patriotism is the component that lead to an individual to blindly be proud of their country no matter what it does. Moreover, my perspective of patriotism goes correspondly with Sydney J. Harris stand with nationalism. When an individual is so devoted to their nation they will ultimately accept matters that that nation will release even if the issue is not in their interests. An example of this is shown through events such as voting for Donald Trump. Donald Trump is the president of the United States of America with the slogan “Make America Great Again”. Initially, when I think of patriotism I imagine American flags and bald eagles. Additionally, the link between U.S.A and patriotism is so strong because of what the movies and books portray which leads to the citizens themselves expressing the similar emotion of deep love for their country. So when an individual like Donald Trump comes along with interest to “Make America Great Again” an American patriot would ultimately vote for Trump for president. Donald Trump being an extreme patriot is worrying for countries globally as many nation-states economics and social growth is directly linked to the United States. If we were to embrace the
An appeal to patriotism is one in which emotions are used to show loyalty towards something. To engage patriotism in the audience, one should point out to the audience the opponent’s success. This helps the audience to feel like they are a part of something important. Patriotism should not be tied to idealism. Ideas are not a part of emotional appeal, rather a part of logical appeal. Patriotism is associated with pathos as idealism is associated with logos.
Nationalism has been a potent force for change since the development of human civilization. However, opinion about the extent to which nationalism may be appropriately pursued is highly diverse, a factor that has led to immense tragedy and suffering in countless regions worldwide. While it is both appropriate and sometimes encouraged to take pride in being part of a nation, it is of the utmost importance that it is done without harming or subjugating people of another. Uniting a people by force and potentially eliminating or destroying those who may oppose it or not belong to it is unacceptable ethically, morally, and socially.
Patriotism is defines as love and devotion to one's country, usually out of self devotion. Nationalism is an adulterated version of patriotism where aspirations for national independence in a country under foreign domination is forced upon the people by society, or an authoritative figure.
“Nationalism(n.) - loyalty or devotion to a nation, especially an attitude, feeling, or belief characterize by a sense of national consciousness” (The War of 1812 and the Rise of Nationalism 1). Nationalism was a crucial part of America’s success during the War of 1812; nationalism was reflected in the post-war period through increased national pride, emphasis on national issues, increase in power and scope of the national government, and a growing sense of American identity (The War of 1812 and the Rise of Nationalism 1). The first to arise which was the driving force behind American victories against the British was nationalism. This nationalism was expressed in four ways; patriotism, political, economical and cultural. American patriotism
Although some have said that "nationalism is measles of humankind", in my opinion, it is not. Nationalism has led to the growth of identities, and innovations. These reasons influence us in so many good ways that we should embrace nationalism to a great extent. Although at the same time I believe that we shouldn't embrace it to the extent of where we hurt others.
For example, Mark Twain expressed his hatred by stating, “A patriot sets himself apart in his own country under his own flag, sneers at other nations and keeps an army of uniformed assassins on hand at heavy expense to grab slices of other people’s countries and keep them from grabbing slices of his. In the intervals between campaigns he washes the blood off his hands and works for ‘the universal brotherhood of man’ with his mouth.” Twain makes many valid points by bring up how patriotism encourages hatred and distrust for other countries, promoting war by having an army of assassins, and washing away wrongful violations within the country. Numerous Americans have shown similar controversy in regards to whether they should support patriotism. Despite the fact that patriotism can bring social culture and bonding together, it can ultimately become destructive and does more harm than
Simon Keller argues in his essay "Patriotism as Bad Faith" that patriotism is not a virtue but it is actually a vice. Keller begins by splitting the views on this philosophical debate into three different representations. The first being the "communitarian patriot", where patriotism is not only a valued virtue to someone's self but that it is actually an essential virtue. The second representation is a radical contradiction of the first, known as the "hard universalist. The hard Universalist sees patriotism as a vice instead of being any type of positive virtue. They think that everyone should be valued the same, and that there should be no favoritism. The third representation is the idea of the first two combined, to form what is called the "soft universalist." This view is understood as patriotism is allowed, and is not seen as a vice, but also that one has an obligation to the rest of the world, almost to try and treat them as a loyalty that you would have towards your own country. (p.112).
The exploration of what patriotism is and what represents patriotism is an important one more people should embark upon. If Americans are to examine patriotisms true meaning, we will be able to abolish this faux patriotism, which is represented by intimidation, censorship, and majority rules attitudes or actions. This can be replaced by feelings and actions of caring, compassion, acceptance, rationality, and nonviolence, or in other words, patriotism.
Though diversity can be, and often is an asset, in the context of nationalism, so many variations among a nation in conjunction with globalization can cause an observer to believe that in a sense, there is no true Canadian nationalism. Prime Minister Trudeau may have indeed attributed nationalism and the foundation of a nation to will, but a desire to build a nation is insufficient for one to be formed. For a nation to truly be stable and unified, nationalism is key. In turn, then, this nationalism will result in citizens desiring to improve and further their nation. Despite the fact that will has indeed played a critical role in preserving Canada by helping to create nationalism during watershed moments in history such as the Patriote movement, key battles in World war I, and even Québécois movement today, it is i...
Nationalism has a long history although most scholarly research on Nationalism only began in the mid-twentieth century. Some scholars point to the French Revolution of 1789 as the birth of Nationalism. The French Revolution is seen...
Nationalism at its core is the support of a country. The goal of a country is to have some sort of resonance within the individuals that reside there that call themselves citizens. If the citizens don’t feel any connection with their country, they may move to find one that they feel closer too. Once found, they may support the country over others, defend it within conversations of politics or just find groups that have the same ideals they do about the country. This papers purpose is to illustrate the pros of nationalism as well as its cons.
These horrors caused by nationalism seem to be at the opposite end of the spectrum from the promising ideal of democracy. As Ghia Nodia pointed out, many analysts view nationalism as “fundamentally antidemocratic” (3). What these anti-nationalists fail to realize is that nationalism has also called force heroism and even sacrifice throughout history. Numerous people have risked their lives to restore democracy and civil rights in their nations, when they could easily have chosen comfortable exile elsewhere. Indeed, nationalism is the very basis of democratic government because it unites the citizens as “we the people”, supports the common political destiny, and nurtures trust toward the government.
In my previous sections, I defined what a nation is, dictated what constitutes a good nation, and differentiated between ethnic and civic nationalism. In this section, I will advocate for the existence of civic nationalism in liberal society by demonstrating its merits. David Miller in his introduction to On Nationality dismisses the claim that nationalism is “some kind of elemental force outside of human control, like a tidal wave.” I agree with Miller that nationalism is not an unavoidable force, nationalism is not a plague that sweeps onto mankind, but a choice of belief. However, I will maintain the stance that the underlying cause of nationalism, known by many terms such as factionalism, tribalism, and in-group bias, is a natural force.
One way to define patriotism is to look at an example of my enlistment in the Army and the training that I received in Basic. I decided to join the Army in 1996 after an unsuccessful attempt at college. I decided I wanted to serve my country by defending our freedom in the event that a war should happen and help other countries abroad defend their freedom also. It was in Basic Training that I was taught hand-to-hand combat, how to accurately fire a M16 machine gun, ground tactics and camouflage. The training I received prepared me to be ready to defend America. I was committed to serve and protect the country where I lived. I was displaying my patriotism for America by defending the freedoms that I and other Americans have in this country.
Nationalism is the idea that a people who have much in common, such as language, culture and geographic proximity ought to organize in such a way that it creates a stable and enduring state. Nationalism is tied to patriotism, and it is the driving force behind the identity of a culture. Nationalism had many effects in Europe from 1815, The Congress of Vienna and beyond. In the following essay I will describe many of the consequences of nationalism on European identity, as well as some of the conflicts that it created.