Sybil Ludington: A Midnight Ride Of Paul Reve

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Women are looked over more than they should, even if it couldn’t be done without them. According to ThinkProgress, “Women are 2.9 percent less likely to get a promotion over a man” (Covert). This statistic would be much higher back during the American Revolution. This series of battles had many key players. One being Paul Revere, who was known for his saying,“The British are coming,” but Sybil Ludington rode twice as far and was sixteen. She screamed, “The British are burning Danbury!” (New England Historical Society). Sybil Ludington’s life was filled with determination from the start to her great ride, which established her everlasting mark on this world. Before acknowledging the “Great Ride of Sybil Ludington,” one should understand her …show more content…

After the battle, General Washington came and thanked Sybil personally for her bravery and courage (“Sybil Ludington, A Younger, Feminine Paul Revere”). According to Esther Pavao “[G]eneral Rochambeau also thanked her for the heroic ride” (Pavao). Later, she had more recognition, because in 1912 Fred C. Warner wrote a poem using the form of “A Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” to create “On an April Night 1777”.This poem honored Sybil and her horse, Star. Then, in the 1930s, the New York Education Department posted markers along her trail route, to help students learn about Sybil Ludington. There is also a national art piece in remembrance of her.Anna Vaughn Hyatt Huntington in 1940 made a bronze horse statue in gratitude of Sybil Ludington, that were made into miniature versions for Washington DC and Danbury. Afterwards, her hometown Kent, New York was renamed Ludingtonville, New York. To mark where she lived, her street was renamed Ludington Road. She was the thirty-fifth woman ever to be honored in 1975 with a postal stamp. An opera was written in 1993. A cast in Manhattan performed about her ride and it was popular among many. She also had an athletic event named after her. Today a marathon race is run every year where participants take the route that Sybil took almost 4000 years ago (Troxler). Now that we’ve have seen her impact, we must

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