Swing Music

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Swing Music

During the nineteen thirties and nineteen forties a certain style of music became very popular. This style of music became known as "swing". It was performed using rhythmic 'riffs' and is referred to a style of dance and band arrangements. America maintained swing's popularity throughout the World War Two years when both large and small ensembles toured Army and Navy camps both at home and abroad. At home, swing was heard at bond sale rallies and community concerts. The new sub-culture of women workers also adapted boogie-woogie and other novelty and jive styles.

There are two forms of swing; performed swing and recorded swing. Recorded swing was stricter, and performed swing allowed much more improvisation. Recorded swing songs were composed of tightly written 3-minute arrangements. Performed swing songs were heard at live performances, like dances or over the radio. They allowed for open-ended arrangements, which accustomed more improvisations. These two forms, although both swing music, are very different in the ways and techniques they are performed and heard.

Dancing is a very big part of swing music. A person rarely ever thinks of swing music without swing dancing. Swing music became popular at every event from New York's swankiest nightclubs to school proms. Every portion of society found some form of swing music suitable for their dancing.

There are many types of swing dancing. One type is Lindy Hop. Lindy Hop is swing dance full of fancy kicks. It is swing dance that is in clubs and now advertising in Gap commercials. Swing got started in Harlem in the late 1920's. It features plenty of high-kicking Charleston steps, hopping and high-flying lifts and air steps. They were developed ...

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...logue of the time reflects the music. Its popularity through the 1930's - 1940's helped many people through World War Two and other times of hardship in America, such as the Great Depression. The music has taken on many forms and styles of dance. They were originated to benefit the person who listens to



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Sterfeld, Frederick William, 1914-. Music in the modern

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Sorell, Walter, 1905-. The Dance through the ages. New

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Switzer, Ellen Eichenwald. Dancers! : horizons in American

dance. (1st Ed.). New York : Atheneum, 1982.

Swing-Music.com. www.swing-music.com/articles.html.

December 12, 2000.

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