Swindle By Gordan Korman

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Have you ever been swindled before? In the book that I have just finished Swindle by Gordan Korman, two sixth grade boys Griffin and Ben have had a valuable collectors Baseball card swindled from them. They have put together a second plan to try and steal it back, fair and square. They assemble a team, and pull off a professional heist and steal the card back from Mr. Palomino. But they don’t get away with it, evidence left at the crime scene leads back to the kids. This would have put the kids in jeopardy, but everything worked out because the baseball card actually belonged to an old lady, and Mr. Palomino does not press charges against the boys because he doesn’t want people to know that he swindled them in the first place. Most of the money gets donated to a museum, and the kids get a plaque with their …show more content…

Palomino exposes his true nature many times in this book, showing that he is overall just a wretched person. Personally, I do not like Mr. Palomino, and here are some reasons why. He is a cheat that bought a card from two sixth graders for only one hundred twenty dollars telling them it was fake when he knew the card was worth millions. Griffin saw on the news Mr. Palomino boasting about his new discovery, and that is when Giffin immediately returned to the store and demand for his swindled card back, only for Mr. Palomino to spit in his face. Part of the boys heist to steal the card included keeping Mr. Palomino away from his house while they stole it back. They made a fake happy birthday card that had someone else's name other than Mr. Palominos that contained a ticket to a New York Rangers hockey game and delivered it to his doorstep. Any normal person would have returned the card to its owner, but not this creep, he opened it, took the ticket, and went to the hockey game. “A slow smile spread over Palomino’s broad face. Better and better, he reflected, sunny-side-up eyes gleaming. Well, maybe not for Archie. He’s not going to the game. I am.” (Gordon

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