Suspense in Spielberg's Jaws

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Suspense in Spielberg's Jaws

The second attack starts with the boy, who is about to get attacked

walking up to the beach to talk to his mother. In this very first

tracking shot of the scene we see all the main characters: the boy who

is attacked (Alex Kintner), his mother, the dog and its owner. All of

these main characters and a one other who meet a bit later all have

something on them which is yellow. I think that Spielberg has done

this for three reasons firstly to make them stick out from the other

people on the beach, secondly because we usually signify the colour

red with danger, so, as they are wearing yellow they obviously don’t

feel that there is any danger, this is a form of dramatic irony, and

thirdly because July 4th is approaching and this day represents

independence and new life for the Americans, the color yellow it’s

often used to signify Easter and new life.

The use of the tracking shot on Alex immediately makes us think that

he is going to get attacked, and so right from the beginning of the

scene tension starts to build in the audience. We then see the boy

holding hands with his mother for what is going to be the last time.

He asks his mum if he can get his raft and go back in the water,

because the audience has thought that he is going to be attacked his

mum agreeing to let him go back in for 10 minutes will help to

increase the level of suspense and tension.

Later on with use of mid/close-up shots the camera focuses on Chief

Brody’s face staring into the water, as he thinks that something is

going to happen, and every time someone walks past the camera the shot

moves further in on his face. After this...

... middle of paper ... panic as the blood starts

squirting everywhere; at this point the tension in the audience has

reached its summit. During the panic Brody still refuses to go into

the water and jumps back at the slightest wave.

After the panic of getting the children out of the water is over the

music suddenly stops whilst Alex’s mother cries out for Alex. At this

stage the tension in the audience has died down completely but instead

would be replaced with an emotional atmosphere as the audience

realises what has happened.

Throughout the whole film the background music dynamics generally

represents the amount of tension and suspense present in the audience.

For example during the whole of this scene music is present and there

is a gradual crescendo as we get nearer to the attack, as does the

amount of tension in the audience.

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