Susan B Anthony Research Paper

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“Women must not depend upon the protection of men, but must be taught to protect themselves,” said women’s suffrage leader Susan B. Anthony, at a speech in San Francisco, California in July 1871. The women's suffrage movement took place in the late 1800s through the 1900s. It was a journey towards equality for all women in America. The women’s suffrage movement addressed and helped overcome societal issues regarding women's rights. Women began to address these societal issues during World War I, which was a catalyst for the movement, guided by key figures through political activism. As the suffrage movement of the late 1800’s commenced, the lack of women's equality was coming to light. Previous to the suffrage movement, women had little to …show more content…

Anthony did many things in her lifetime that contributed to the advancement of women’s rights. “20 Suffragists to Know for 2020 - Women’s History (U.S. National Park Service).” states Anthony’s real interest in the movement was activated when she met Elizabeth Cady Stanton. In 1848, Anthony spoke publicly for the first time at the Seneca Falls convention addressing the lack of rights given to women as well as slavery at the time (“Womens Suffrage Movement.”) She also collected signatures for petitions and lobbied at the state legislatures. According to the author, while promoting women’s rights, Anthony encountered many hostile mobs, armed threats and things thrown at her out of pure hate for what she was trying to accomplish. Nonetheless, Anthony persisted and did not give up on her goals. In 1866, Anthony and Stanton founded the American Equal Rights Association. Years later, Anthony became president of the National American Women's Suffrage Association (“Women's Suffrage Movement.” ). Continuing, there are many more key figures that can be identified in the furthering of the women's suffrage

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