Survival In Elie Wiesel's Of Mice And Men

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Humans throughout the world are diverse but if there is one thing that stays true to each and every one of us, that is that survival is a key instinct and is required for continuation for the human race as a whole. Throughout evolution, the humans that stayed together were able to survival against the hardships at hand and in today’s age, it can be show through relationships. Throughout Night by Elie Wiesel and Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck the need for relationships and the significance of survival are massively prevalent. The assistance that relationships provide for survival is made apparent in these novels, but equally evident is the downfall of characters that lose or do not possess relationships. Elie’s relationship with his father in Night provides him with the motivation required to keep surviving. In Of Mice and Men, George and Lennie are able to fully survive by being together as the true meaning of survival is to be physically and mentally healthy. To survive dire situations, relationships are imperative as they provide the strength, motivation, and courage to continue fighting ultimately overcoming the hardships at hand. Many hardships are faced and conquered with unity which is achieved through relationships and without it; the chances of survival are slim. When Elie’s father …show more content…

However being isolated from loved ones makes it extremely difficult to survive as a lack of relationships strips one of their ability to continue fighting and also destroys any life goals that could bring one to paradise. By having one’s support, a person can better cope with the hardships at hand and allows them to come out of the experience as a whole person. With relationships, no task is too difficult and it makes surviving all the more

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