Supportive Parents Who Abuse Their Children

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Children who grow up in households with loving, supportive parents have a much better chance at becoming healthy, successful adults. But as all those who work with children know, this isn't always the case. Many of them have to endure abuse, neglect, and other types of bad parenting practices each day. And this leads to serious emotional and behavioral problems that affect them throughout the rest of their life. Because of this, a great debate has started on how much the parents of children who end up being violent and aggressive are to blame for their behavior. The following information will discuss both sides of the issue:

For: Parents Who Abuse Their Children Set an Example of Violence

No child starts out as a cruel, violent person. It …show more content…

This was often because they had psychological problems, which affected their actions though. Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other anti-social personality disorders can impact how well a child understands how to treat others.

For: Authoritative Parenting is Better Than Coddling to Prevent Violent …show more content…

They might also see it at school. Since this teaches that violence is acceptable, it is up to parents to try to limit how much exposure that their kids have to all of this.


Parents can't be everywhere that a child is every second of the day. And even if they could, this wouldn't be healthy. As soon as a child goes to a friend's house or some type of social function, they will have access to the violent media that is being withheld anyways.

For: Parents Can Prevent Violence by Spending Time With Their Kids

Neglectful parenting often has an even greater impact on the violent tendencies of children than physical abuse does. Neglect can be characterized by withholding love and affection, food, and a clean, healthy environment from the child. This usually happens in households where one or more of the parents have some type of mental illness or addiction to drugs and alcohol. The children who are raised with neglectful parents have no idea how to function in a healthy environment. They are hungry, dirty, and ill from untreated health problems. And this impacts them on a deep psychological level that causes them to lash out at others through

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