Supernatural Action In Macbeth Essay

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In the play of Macbeth we notice the works of how the supernatural can control or change

the mindset of those in the play. Shakespeare uses supernatural actions to keep the reader

thinking what a certain situations means and questioning what will happen next.

Shakespeare keeps the reader engaged in the play by using multiple supernatural events

to describe events that will take place further in the book.

In scene one, act four of Macbeth we notice that the three witches have returned once

again but also involved this time is Hecate which is the leader of the witches. The scene

starts off with the witches mixing a potion which has an abundance of supernatural

ingredients. The ingredients range from “Witch’s mummy” (Shakespeare, …show more content…

In the first Apparition Macbeth sees an armed head which is a head with an armored

helmet which tells Macbeth, “Beware Macduff! Beware the Thane of Fife” (Shakespeare,


The second Apparition is a bloody child that tells Macbeth “Be bloody, bold, and

resolute. Laugh to scorn the power of man, for none of woman born shall harm

Macbeth.”(Shakespeare, 78-81) in this sentence the apparition is telling Macbeth to “be

violent, bold, and firm. Laugh at the power of other men, because nobody born

from a woman will ever harm Macbeth.”

The third apparition is a Child crowned, with a tree in his hand. This apparition is

different from the other due to the fact that what was said was more of a directive to be

strong and have courage in a situation that will appear later on in the book. The third

apparition tells Macbeth,” Be lion-mettled, proud, and take no care who chafes, who

frets, or where conspirers are. Macbeth shall never vanquished be until Great Birnam

Wood to high Dunsinane Hill Shall come against him.” (Shakespeare, 94-98)the

apparition was saying Be brave like the lion and proud. Don’t even worry about

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