Sun-Shin's Diary Of Sun-Asian War

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The untitled poem found in the dairy of Sun-Shin Yi, one of the most heroic Admirals in Korean History, is assumed by scholars to have been written the night before a major battle at Hansan Island.
During the late 1500’s, the Chosen Dynasty, the dynasty prior to the Republic of Korea, was in danger of collapsing due to Japanese invasion. After the Japanese mobilized the invasion and brought large numbers of troops to Korea, Hansan Island became a very important tactical location. The Japanese army viewed it as a centralized location to continually supply its troops, while the Korean army understood a possibly defeat at Hansan Island could place the entire country of Korea at the mercy of the Japanese. With the extreme pressures placed upon …show more content…

was impossible as it could demoralize the entire Korean army and citizens. Due to this concept, he expressed these feelings in his diary, since in the desperation of war he could not rely on anyone to discuss such emotions, the only talks were of strategy and military. Therefore, it can be assumed that Sun-Shin never intended for anyone to read, interpret, or analyze his diary. Moreover, due to the extreme stress of war, Sun-Shin most likely used the diary as an outlet to think, reflect, and resolve emotions that were unacceptable to actually …show more content…

The beginning of the poem sets the imagery groundwork for the loneliness and sadness felt through the rest of the poem as the first line draws the image of a large ocean, and then the second line of Sun-Shin is sitting in solitude atop a fortress. These lines made it feel as if he was the only person there on that moonlit night. The lines proceeding pull even deeper into those gloomy emotions by using the imagery of him holding his sword while proclaiming an anxious and restless heart. The sword symbolizes his determination to fight even with his uncertainty, but is also acts has his security blanket giving him a sense of calmness to continue onward with the forthcoming battle. Finally, in the last line Sun-Shin hears a flute playing in the quiet night that caused him even more anguish. From the beginning of the poem he states he is alone, but hearing the flute mean he is no longer alone. Therefore, he is even more anguished because now he is not alone, but he still alone with his emotions. It caused him to contemplate even more about his emotions, the war, his men fighting beside him, and his loneliness. Although the flute stirred more uncertain feelings, he felt torn as he still did not want the sound to go away because it still offered the solace of another person, even if there could be no

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