Summary: The First Thanksgiving Day

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Braden Strackman Period 6 6 October, 2014 Colonial Project Table of Contents The First Thanksgiving Day Page 3 Define the Terms #15 Page 4 Define the Terms #24 Pages 5-6 George Washington Page 7-8 Map of the Colonies Page 9 How the Colonies got their names Page 10 Bibliography Page 11 Plagiarism Check Page 12 Braden Strackman Period 6 5 October, 2014 The First Thanksgiving day The first Thanksgiving day we all know the story. It was a meeting between the pilgrims and the native Indians. But what did it really look like? We are all used to having a turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and more. But the original Thanksgiving that occurred in 1621 did not have these items to eat. Instead of the turkey they most likely ate a …show more content…

But he is so much more. What is George Washington’s story before the Revolutionary War? What was his Colonial life like? What made him who he is? George Washington was born in the year 1732 in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He was raised on his father’s estate which was called Mount Vernon. He was raised by his parents Augustine Washington, his father and Mary Ball Washington, his mother. George Washington also had seven brothers and sisters. In the year 1743 Augustine Washington passed away. George Washington was left with his siblings and mother. George Washington’s brother Lawrence had a huge effect on his life. His brother had an even larger affect on his life. His brother taught him a lot of things like trigonometry. He also developed a taste in music and theater. George Washington’s brother also influenced him to become part of the military. But in the year 1751 Lawrence Washington died of a lung Disease. This left Washington’s father’s estate Mount Vernon to George. In 1755, Edward Braddock invited George Washington to dame along with his army to capture Fort Duquesne. In 1753, George Washington was assigned his first mission. He was asked to warn French troops that they were getting too close to land owned by Virginia. Later that year he was assigned to …show more content…

The Carolinas were named after King Charles I. His son King Charles I chose to do this. Braden Strackman Period 6 6 October, 2014 Bibliography 1. Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2014. 2. "Pilgrim Hall Museum - About the Pilgrims - The "First Thanksgiving" at Plymouth." Pilgrim Hall Museum - About the Pilgrims - The "First Thanksgiving" at Plymouth. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2014. 3. "What Was on the Menu at the First Thanksgiving?" Smithsonian. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2014. 4. "The Thanksgiving Story - History of Thanksgiving." The Thanksgiving Story - History of Thanksgiving. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2014. 5. " The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation's Official History and Citizenship Website." George Washington Biography : The Colonial Williamsburg Official History & Citizenship Site. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2014. 6. "The Quick 13: Where the 13 Colonies Got Their Names." Mental Floss. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2014. 7. Feinstein, Stephen. George Washington. Berkeley Heights, NJ:, 2002. Print. 8. "Pearson EText." Pearson EText. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct.

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