Summary: Sympathy For Homelessness

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Today there is a lot of sympathy for the homeless, which is a good thing, but we should also have sympathy for the serfs who had it even worse, because they had not learned what was healthy and they had no rights and no one who wanted to stand up for them. This is the opposite of what homeless people get today. Presently, the homeless have changes in clothes, a balanced meal offered, shelters for them and lawyers and police that can help them get the legal help they need. For the homeless, being safe can be hard. According to the National Coalition for the Homeless, 199 attacks on the homeless happened between the summer of 2014 and the summer of 2015 in the U.S. NPR interviewed David Pirtle, a homeless man who claimed that homeless shelters were scary, that drugs and dealers were common. However, Pirtle admitted there were many nice shelters. Contrary to nice shelters with cots, were the serfs, whose …show more content…

In Idaho alone, according to Move For Hunger, there are over 240,000 that are food insecure. Thankfully, there are programs that feed the insecure and homeless, because of this, only 11% of homeless people in 2016 needed emergency food assistance. In New York City over 80% of children get free breakfast and lunch at school. The Holy Apostles organization serve 1,200 lunches a day, lunches that are nutritionally balanced, all year round. Unlike these destitute, the serfs had fruits and vegetables when they were in season. Winter was a time of starvation, for there were no crops. Protein was needed especially by serfs, who performed back-breaking work daily, however they were only able to pull this nutrient from beans, lentils and peas. Each meal was very bland, spices were too expensive. They hunted only squirrels and rabbits because they could not even hunt deer, which were saved for nobles. Cooking meat was troublesome because there was no ventilation system in their mud

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