Summary: Support Of The Walkathon In Better Horizons

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There are a couple of psychological tools of influence that the composer of the message portrays to gain support of the walkathon in the Better Horizons message. Reciprocation is the first psychological tool that is noted. The composer of the message tries to play on the emotions of the receiver by mentioning information that could affect themselves or other women in their lives. Later in the message, the sender offers free items if the recipient were to participate in the walkathon. Social proof and liking is the second and third psychological tools used. The composer mentions Betty Williams, the women who established the cancer center would appreciate the recipient’s participation. Betty Williams is a prominent member of society which plays as the liking psychological tool. Scarcity is the last psychological tool the composer uses in the message. The walkathon only comes around once a year and there is a registration due date. These tools together are used to influence the reader. …show more content…

“Breast cancer affects all of us deeply-mother, wife, daughter, and friend. If you really care…” (Cardon, 2013). When the composer mentions where the proceeds of the event aide in the community, and that there are ways to donate money without participating in the walkathon resembles logical appeal. The overall message tries to play on the emotion of the recipient with almost a guilt trip type feel, making it feel like their participation is vital to fighting this horrible disease. This message could have been more warm and inviting by making a few changes. Including the recipient by name instead of Dear Member is a great start to an inviting message. Also changing the way it was written by using the you-voice to provide more sentiment by personalizing the

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