Summary Of The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls

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The Glass Castle, written by Jeannette Walls, is a memoir about the childhood of Jeanette Walls, and her three siblings, Lori, Brian, and Maureen. The Walls’ family is very dysfunctional, and lives a nomadic lifestyle. Jeannette’s parents, Rex and Rose-Mary Walls, are irresponsible and unordinary parents. Rex, bounces from odd job to job, but the money somehow seems to diminish and go towards his alcohol addiction or unnecessary items. Rose-Mary has a love for painting but refuses to work a real job. Rex has this dream to build, the Glass Castle, for the family to live in but never seems to find the time or money to start. It is up to Jeanette and her siblings to try to keep their parents in line. The children had to find their own means of …show more content…

In order for Jeannette to learn how to swim, she had to try over and over when faced with predicaments. Rex taught Jeannette from a young age to learn how to swim, and he told her, “if you don’t want to sink, you better figure out how to swim” (66), by facing Jeannette with life or death challenges she manages to learn. Forcing Jeannette to learn how to swim is a life lesson in dealing with teaching her to learn how to survive by herself. Jeannette wanted to get out of her house and the city of Welch to do bigger things rather than stay in a house that’s falling apart. Jeannette and her sister, Lori, had a dream of leaving Welch for a while and hatched a plan. The girl’s big dream led them to hide a piggy bank to save money for New York. Jeannette took the opportunity of moving to New York to live with her sister quickly upon her high school graduation. Leading up to Jeannette’s graduation she had to take on several jobs just to raise enough money to leave her house on Little Hobart Street. Things in Jeannette’s life did not come easy. She had to work for everything she earned and if she did not succeed in something at first she tried until she grasped the concept. From a young age Lori and Jeannette knew they wanted to do something with their lives. Rose-Mary said, “things usually work out in the end,” Jeanette replied “what if they don’t,” and Rose-Mary said “it

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