Summary Of The Article 'Selections On The Iroquois'

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While all four of these articles had their own unique knowledge and points of view, the one that I found to be most stimulating was that of the Selections on the Iroquois. After reading this particular article, I found myself drawing many similarities to many of the same things I took away after reading Deloria’s Sacred Places and Moral Responsibilities article. I think that both these selections are rooted from the same underlying message, respect for the environments and surrounding lands. While the Sacred Places and Moral Responsibilities reading revolved more around this idea of certain territories’ being considered holy for the Hopi people, the Selections on the Iroquois embodies many of these same environmental similarities. For instance, on page 4 we are presented with the value to which the tree bark means to the overall function and construction of the …show more content…

“Masks are carved from living basswood trees, though other trees such as magnolia, poplar, white pine, maple, or willow might sometimes be used as well. Carving involves the burning of tobacco and the offering of prayers to the three.” This use and respect for not only the mask but also the tree and the bark to which they are using to create such masks reminds me very much of the respect the Hopi had for these same holly lands to which they performed rituals in. In todays day and age, with virtually no respect for the surrounds forests and natural environment around us, with rainforests being burned to the ground, trees and animals being pillaged for paper or jewelry. Reading articles like these, help remind that indeed there are still groups or people who take from the land, but in moderation and in a professional manner rather than in an indecent manner. This level of respect is seen once again on page 6 in which “the masks should not be given or sold to anyone outside the society. Failure to care for and dance a mask in appropriate ways can offend the False

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