Summary Of Nozick's Distributive Justice

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Nozick Robert is a philosopher who argued about personal ownership is the footstone in justice distribution and the way to make people to own thing in fair way. In the “Distributive Justice,” Robert demonstrated the entitlement theory, which is consisted of original acquisition of holdings principle, transfer of holdings principle, and the rectification of injustice in holdings principle, showing the methods determining justice of how people to own thing, then, via those principles and the example of Wilt Chamberlain, Robert showed the importance of ownership and personal right and tried to criticize the injustice of equal distribution of third party like government. However, Robert had completely ignored the importance of equal distribution …show more content…

In this case, pattern means distribution of wealth follows a structure. That is, the resource everyone can receive depends on certain standard. For example, if someone has better personality, then he or she can get more money or some other resource. Or, if someone works harder than other people, then he or she will be paid more. Then, Nozick uses wilt Chamberlain to demonstrate why pattern does not fit. First, Nozick assume there is a certain distribution called D1 and it is the only just distribution. In this assumption, people are allowed do what they want to do with their possession, so they can transfer their possession to whoever they want, and all of them are paid justly under D1. If one day some fans go to watch Wilt Chamberlain’s game and decide to give Wilt chamberlain more twenty-five cents for each ticket. Then, Wilt Chamberlain will have more money than any other player in the game, so the distribution is changed from D1 to D2 which is a new distribution. Because the transfer from fans to Wilt Chamberlain is just according to the second principle in entitlement theory, Nozick said D2 is also just. Therefore, Nozick considers it does not matter how people define contribution to be just, new distribution created by old just distribution is just because people are free to transfer resource to another and pattern. However, in fact, D2 is not a fair …show more content…

However, Nozick makes a mistake that voluntary does not represent just. Turn back to Wilt Chamberlain’s example, the action of people decides to give more twenty-five cents to Chamberlain for watching his show does create the inequality. Even though this action does not worse of other directly, but this action does cause the inequality in society. Moreover, Nozick considers fans’ action is rational, but the truth is most people in world are not rational. For example, a fan spends ten thousand dollars to buy a Chamberlain’s shoes even though the shoes only costs one hundred and fifty. Obviously, a rational person never spends such much money to buy such shoes except he or she can sell it in higher price. In addition, some voluntary trade is not just. Slavery is an example. First, assuming A is a person on an island, and A has already owned some food and house. One day, B comes to island for some reason without food and water. In this case, A has right to deny providing food and water to B, and A’s action does not worse off B. Two days later, A provide a deal to B. That is A can give some resource like food and water to B, but B must work for A, and A does not provide any resource to B so that B cannot leave the island. In this case, B must work for A, and B’s action is rational and voluntary. The whole process of transfer between A and B does not

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