Summary Of Louise Bourgeois And Constantine Bracusi

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Louise Bourgeois and Constantine Brancusi were both two artists that had very abstract pieces of art. Though the two artists had very different pieces of work they also shared a lot in common. Bourgeois and Constantine both had very visually dramatic styles of art that focused on sexuality and reproduction in forms of the human body. In this paper I will be talking about both artists backgrounds and works as well as what they share in similiarity and the underlying message of their work. Louise Bourgeiois was born in Paris in 1911 and lived in New York until her death in 2010. Much of her artwork was inspired from her early childhood that she spent in France. The human body was Burgoeiois primary form of art, as she made multipe sculptures …show more content…

I believe that the pieces were a lot more powerful rather than straightforward. At first glance I believe that Constantin Bracusi’s art was a bit more simple in comparison to Burgoeioi’s more complex looking pieces. However both artists had very powerful rather than straightforward pieces that had underlying meanings. Burgoeiois did explain that her piece “Cumul” did derive from the Freudian concept of a trauamatized childhood. Knowing her background with both her parents and childhood growing up it is safe to say that it had a profround effect on her growing up. She did also confirm that all of her artwork is inspired from pieces of her childhood. Based off of what we know it is safe to say that her artwork has underlying messages. Many of the overlapping female and male body parts symbolize her childhood and the overlapping gender roles and female and male figures that she had in her own life. Similiar to Burgoeiois, Constantin Brancusi has underlying meanings in his artwork as well. His piece “The Kiss” is meant to show the love of two people and how they become blinded from the outside world. “Mile Pogany” was a sculpture that was greatly ridiculed when first presented because of how the woman is made to be portrayed. Though i’m not too clear on the meaning on this I think Brancusi was trying to show how this woman’s personality was. He made her head to be shaped out to be an egg and took out her

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