Summary Of 'Legal Alien By Firoozeh Dumas' Legal Alien

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Many Americans do not want immigrants in this country, but they also do not want to do the dirty jobs that immigrants do. The topic of immigrants is a touchy subject. Just the mere mentioning of them can cause a furor. Through all this controversy immigrants are not treated as citizens in America. Americans believe they do not belong. In the poem “Legal Alien” by Pat Mora, the memoir Funny in Farsi by Firoozeh Dumas, the historical document “Executive Order 9066” by Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the NPR interview “Breaking Down the Complexities of U.S. Migration Law” by Michel Martin and Karen Tumlin immigrants are not treated as they should be. In the eyes of natural born citizens immigrants never are full-fledged citizens. Also immigrants are …show more content…

Tumlin explains the conditions of refugees no able to get into a country. Tumlin also explains that America had a “really ugly outburst of xenophobia” (Martin 1). Xenophobia is the hatred of fear of immigrants. In America people do not welcome immigrants, whether it be for fear of hatred. People do not allow them to do daily activities; henceforth immigrants have no way to try and succeed. Fear of other human beings or hatred of other human beings is not morally right. To treat people differently because they are not born in the same country as Americans is unfathomable. Even if immigrants would attempt to be successful, an American would bring them back down because of xenophobia. Dumas talk about how her father’s pension got cut off and now her father was unemployed with no money. Dumas’s father could not get a job because “nobody wanted to hire an Iranian” (Dumas 117). Her father could not become successful because Americans did not want immigrants as employees. Other Americans would not buy products from a company with an immigrant working for the company. If immigrants were welcome by Americans they could do whatever they wish and become successful as American citizens. Since they are not considered American citizens any success they make will be as immigrants. As Americans they will not have a résumé but as immigrants they will. Immigrants should be given the opportunity to prove themselves but Americans do not give that to them, which is wrong. They are not treated as citizens. Even though people are immigrants it does not mean that they are not entitled to what other Americans

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