Summary Of Illegal Immigration Is Immoral By Victor Davis Hanson

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I am an immigrant to the America too, legal one though. The text “Illegal Immigration is immoral” by Victor Davis Hanson is what I feel is a great text that explains how and why illegal immigration is so bad for us. Illegal immigration is the issue that I personally in oppose of. I think this text just gave me more reasons why I should stick to my point. The point was about poverty occurred by the illegal immigrations. It was explained that lot of money goes out of American economy in different countries by illegal immigrants. Then those people will need “support to live” since they are poor. So now we are spending more money on them, the people who will never pay back government, sort of wasting our money. For an example, a man from such and such country illegally immigrated in the U.S.A. He works hard and earns money, illegally, sends that money to his family in his country. He does not have to worry about paying taxes or anything. All the money he earns goes in his pocket and to his family, not to the government. That hurts the economy, creates poverty. More poverty means more food stamps, affordable health insurance and subsidies etc. …show more content…

These Illegal immigrants will work for fewer wages, since they cannot work legally and they do not have to pay taxes. This creates problem for legal work force. Employers have people who will work hard and for less money now. So it is oblivious that the person who is asking for law granted wage, his right, will be put down at last in hiring queue. Not every employer does this but even if one in ten employer does that than that one employee that should have been hired would go unemployed. Government now has to pay him food stamps, healthcare and even unemployment, costing government loss. So illegal cheap labor does affect

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