Summary Of Darry From 'The Outsiders'

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Darry (Darrel)
Life isn’t fair. Darry was a good athlete and a strong student in high school. When his parents were killed in a car crash, he gave up his dream of going to college/university to go to work so that he can earn enough to keep what was left of his family together.
Darry didn’t have a good beginning but at least he has a family that cares for him. The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton
Darry is hard-working, tough, and caring because he has a family to take care of and to support.

1st body paragraph - Darry is hard-working. Tends to work with energy and commitment;diligent.
Ponyboy thinks that Darry works too long and hard and Ponyboy is right. Darry tries hard to make enough money even though it means not spending enough time …show more content…

When Darry goes to work, he carries more than one bundle of supplies up the ladder.
Darry worked hard to earn a scholarship but then his parents died so he couldn’t get the scholarship.

2nd body paragraph - Darry is tough. Strong enough to withstand adverse conditions or rough or careless handling.
Darry’s family sometimes calls him Superman or Muscles because he is tough. He also got called “all brawn but no brain” (pg 109).
During the rumble, no one was going to start the rumble until Darry had courage to start the rumble. He was tough enough to say that he would fight on anyone (pg 142).
When Darry’s parents died, he didn’t cry like everyone else. “I (Ponyboy) hadn’t seen him (Darry) cry in years, not even when Mom and Dad had been killed” (pg 98).

3rd body paragraph - Darry is also caring. Displays kindness and concern for others.
When Ponyboy fell asleep in the parking lot, Darry was up all night waiting for him to come back home (pg 49). “Darry was in the armchair under the lamp, reading the newspaper.” “Well, it’s two in the morning, kiddo”
When Ponyboy was in the hospital Darry started crying because he cared for him (pg

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