Summary Of Common Sense By Thomas Paine

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In the pamphlet common sense Thomas Paine argues for American independence. His arguments starts with his view about the government, religions, and colonial situation. Paine then begins distinguishing between society and government. According to Paine society is when good and productive people join together to undertake different tasks. On the other hand, government is an organization whose only purpose is to protect us from our own sins. Paine goes on to say that even when the government is at its best it is still evil. Paine then comes up with a scenario about a group of people on an island being cut off from society. These people start making alliances with each other and lawmaking becomes unavoidable. On the other hand, Paine also argues that the representation of the system is also better for the American colonies. He talks about how he disagrees with the British system. For example, he states that it is too difficult and the monarchy is granted too much power. He goes on to say that the British system pretends to offer an acceptable system of checks and balances but in reality it is a scam. …show more content…

At that time the Jewish people copied these customs from those around them The Jewish people asked the prophet Samuel for a king, but he tried discouraging them but they all insisted that they wanted a king. According to Paine that was a bad mistake and creating a king was a sin. Man were only supposed to have one God and having a king ruling over you like a God was a mistake. Considering the biblical origin of monarchy, Paine believes that this practice is sinful. Paine argues that since all men are created equal, no man should have the right to launch his family forever dominating over

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