Overcoming Partisan Politics: A Plea for Communication and Compromise

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This is a lose-lose situation in which no one wins, especially not the American people, who now have to wait for good ideas to go through simply because people are entrenched in their own butthurt and slinging vitriol across the aisle. This only makes the problem worse. The only way to remedy such a problem would be to communicate openly and kindly, making compromises when necessary, and handling defeat and victory with grace in hopes of reaching a situation in which both parties win, or the point of keeping such a detrimental system would be moot. (Tafel, 2013). The idiocy of those who write the laws have screwed the pooch once again as they degrade our education system by making nonsensical laws without teaching expertise. It is ridiculous …show more content…

“Now we have a chance to fix the law by refocusing on the proper federal role: equal opportunity. To do that we must change the way we think about accountability… has hinged entirely upon standardized test scores,” (Garciá & Otho, 2015, p.3-4). This excerpt from the Washington Post article ‘No Child Left Behind’ has failed offers up the exact problems that education today faces due to this act and others like it. By not communicating with educators, lawmakers set a high demand that is impossible to reach, due to a number of factors, namely the motivation of the child. To base the measure of a child’s success solely upon such a wanton score is futile and completely misses the most important part of learning. Rather than encouraging a child’s interest and bringing it into pre-existing curriculum the teacher is forced to run practice after practice in preparation for standardized test, in the hope that the state does not cut funding for the school. Bring into the mix a federal government whose demands are ever escalating to save face on the world stage, and its surprising that …show more content…

They may attempt to but in the end the American mind and body does not seem to give a shit. That is what American’s fill themselves with—shit. The over-processed and unsanitary meat factories, or the literal poisons that Americans pump into their bodies for illnesses that could sometimes have been avoided if a greater focus was put upon the prevention of diseases. Above all though stands health related to the environment, or perhaps people should continue to live in ignorance with that too. They will soon find that it is anything but blissful, with things like toxic run off from landfills and the like destroying citizens from the inside out. According to the Healthy People 2020 campaign we must actively monitor several factors, such as the quality of the air, water and soil, which if not good enough, can cause severe illness, cancer and death. Toxic waste is another problem, where the long-term dangers still are not fully known. Climate change is also highlighted as a source of increased natural disasters, such as floods and storms and the more unexpected infectious disease patterns (Healthy People 2020, 2014). The way things are going, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse will not have to do anything, because America has taken care of it for

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