Summary: Football Is Not So Dangerous

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Football Is Not So Dangerous Football is considered to be one of the most dangerous sports to play. As time has gone by, more and more parents are rethinking letting their kids play the game. Kids are prone to head injury while participating in football, but Ed Riley has another point of view on this situation. He seems to believe football is not as dangerous as everybody thinks it is (Riley, 2014). So, he used the internet to express his feelings on if parents should be worried about their kids playing football. His article is a powerful message that lets parents see the good in football. This article is a great read for any parent worrying about their kids playing the sport of football. The article talks about how parents should not be so worried about head injuries. This article is written by someone who is smart in the medical world. Ed Riley, who works at Stanford University as a physician, is the author of the article. In his opinion, parents are overreacting to head injuries in football. In return, the kids get put in a bad situation. If that kid wanted to play football, he or she would not be able to. Riley talks about “how their parents think the risk of brain injury outweighs the benefits of playing” (Riley, 2014). This was the case for many of the parents at his …show more content…

Riley says it best with a message “to all you parents who are keeping your sons from playing football, I say, let them play. They are just as safe on the football field as they are in most of the other sports and activities we regard as a necessary part of a healthy adolescence. You can save money on expensive club sports and specialty coaches, and your sons will develop skills that will serve them and the rest of us well” (Riley 2014). This message is perfect for parents. It shows that parents should let their kids play football and enjoy it. It not only is fun for the kids to play, but it also teaches great life lessons and will help a kid growing

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