Summary: Food Sovereignty

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A. Write on three of the following:
1. Food Sovereignty:
a. Food sovereignty is having the right to the appropriate food that the country provides for you as well as, the right to define your own food systems. Food sovereignty and food security go hand-in-hand; furthermore, food security as stated by Rosset in his article “Food Sovereignty,” he states that food security is the right to having enough food to eat each day (Rosset, Food Sovereignty, P. 1). Now, it doesn’t state how it’s made or produced, but it gives a certainty that we are supposed to have a certain amount of food to eat each day. With that being said, how it challenges the free trade agreements with the want to exclude all sorts of food and agriculture from the trade agreements …show more content…

Why is that? Why is it that men can have human and legal rights, but women can’t? Why are our rights being violated? A strategic objective that was mentioned was “Women’s rights are human rights” which, was mentioned my Hilary Clinton in the film, but made an impact on my brain that stuck with me. It’s a movement, we need, it’s a movement that we need to show that “yes, we are human and yes, we also have rights.” It’s not fair that they deem that from us. A suggested action that was told to complete or address that area is to promote education of human and legal rights in the school ideals of all levels of education. Also public campaigns and teaching them that not only do gender norms happen in private life, also teach them to include these rights in their families and make sure you practice …show more content…

Legal rights can keep women from agriculture, it can keep us from education, and it can keep us from taking appropriate measures to get things done. It ties into the human rights aspect of this topic that was presented at the Beijing Platform, but getting into detail legal rights are rights we are entitled to, but sometimes become stripped of. There are legal rights that as humans we all have and as women we get some of those taken away from us without our knowledge. One action that Beijing brought up was to, “Provide non-formal education, especially for rural women, in order to realize their potential with regard to health, micro- enterprise, agriculture and legal rights” (Beijing Platform for Action, Sometimes women aren’t as lucky as the people in different countries, there are still small countries that don’t get as much education or any education at times. So we can teach them about our legal rights and where we stand as women, get some knowledge, even if it means providing a non-formal education

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