Suicidal Thoughts In Macbeth

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Fear, guilt and hesitation are just a couple of ways that can make someone do something they probably should not do. In the play The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare-- he decided to make one of the main characters Macbeth have some of those characteristic traits. Macbeth goes through sleep deprivation and helictination which can lead to becoming a sociopath, while Lady Macbeth has suicidal thoughts which all lead to guilt.
Macbeth started to become sleep deprived knowing that he killed king Duncan. He became this way due to the thought that someone might catch him for the crime that he has committed. He also feels even worse since he did not want to do this crime in the beginning and it was all Lady Macbeth's fault. Us as the readers …show more content…

Towards the end of the play Lady Macbeth started to feel guilty about everything that she made Macbeth do. He realized that if she would not have pushed Macbeth to kill both king Duncan and Banquo that he probably would not have done either of these actions. As these were just thought at first they quickly turned into actions when Seyton says to Macbeth, “The queen, my lord is dead”(Shakespeare 5.5.16-18). Lady Macbeth did end up committing suicide and if she did not care so much about if her husband Macbeth would turn into the new king none of this would have happened. Also in the article Psychology and Mental Health they say,
The concept of guilt played an important role in the development of human behavior… most recently, there has been a focus on the physiological understanding of guilt… Throughout the 1900’s, there was a number of writings about the concept of shame and it's comparison to guilt. Shame is experienced as a feeling of inadequacy in the self. There can be physical, psychological, or emotional shame.
This article helped by bringing a real life situation to a part of this play so you can compare them both. It helps understand what shakespeare might have been thinking and why he might have decided to use guilt into his play. Macbeth delt with guilt when he went through sleep deprivation and helictination which can lead to becoming a sociopath, while Lady Macbeth has suicidal thoughts which also had her leading to the same reason wich is

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