Exams: Summative assessment as represented by exams is the most common feedback understood by students. Ensure that students are familiar with the marking criteria and the type of exam it will be, e.g. whether it is an open or closed book exam. Peer assessment: Peer assessment can encourage students to engage with their learning more directly. It helps students develop a deeper understanding of their discipline and builds their reflective learning abilities as they review, assess and provide feedback on the work of their peers. Guiding students in peer assessment is essential with clear criteria for grading; they may also be involved in establishing criteria. Ensure that students have guidance on feedback to avoid overly harsh marking or negative comments. Walklin, L. (2000) Self-assessment “is the involvement of students in identifying standards and/ or criteria to apply to their work, and making judgments about the extent to which they have met these criteria and standards…..[it] means more than students grading their own work; it means involving them in the process of determining what is ‘good work’.” Boud, D. (1995) Developing effective self-assessment takes time and effort. However once fully embedded in learning and teaching, these assessment strategies can be particularly effective in motivating learning. An effective …show more content…
They are less stressful for students because they often do not realize they are undergoing an assessment. You can receive immediate data and then plan accordingly. With a formal assessment administered to the entire class, it takes time to grade the work and put the data into a form that is useful. If a student finds testing stressful and does not perform to the best of their ability on a written, formal assessment, an informal assessment may give you the most accurate measure of a student's true ability.
It is how you make many educational decisions regarding the classroom. My CT stated that she knew how most of the students would do but there were a few that surprised her. Having this digital way of assessment is also convenient for parent reference. The students individual scores are easy to print and also the classroom scores are given to the principal for review. It is a smooth, efficient and manageable way to assess the students equally. Assessments like this could also be helpful in creating a seating arrangement or partner system. I think it is beneficial to pair lower and higher skilled students together. You could use the higher skilled students to help teach other students. Students teaching students can be a valuable resource to struggling
Stiggins, R. J. (2006, November/December). Assessment for learning: A key to motivation and achievement. Edge, 2, 3-19.
In conclusion I feel that using effective assessment methods throughout any course allows tutors to give feedback at the right time to allow the correct progress for the learners to achieve. I have experienced feedback many times as coach and more recently as a teacher and feel it has only helped me to improve and to keep wanting to improve so I can inspire others to achieve.
Assessment has been the greatest challenge in my development as a professional. My coursework as supported my growth in this area, especially in understanding the broad range of assessments used to support students’ growth and development. My courses have also supported my understanding of how ongoing observational assessment and standards-based measures can be used to inform instruction and support the cycle of observation, reflection and planning. Coursework
According to Stiggins and Chappuis, assessment is a system of harvesting data of student learning (2012). The information gathered guides educative decisions; it provides a tangible measurement of subject mastery. In their book An Introduction for Student-involved Assessment, Stiggins and Chappuis offer two essential components to valid and useful assessment (2012). First, student performance data must be accurate. In addition, results must benefit students by stimulating desire to learn and maintaining achievement levels.
Explain the importance and benefits of assessment for learning. Assessment and its associated feedback are essential to student learning. Well-designed assessment has numerous benefits and it provides a measure of students' progress as it can be a means to engage students with their learning.
“What used to be a thoughtful, creative profession has become more like working in a factory”. That is an eye opening statement for me. Nothing will change my love and passion for wanting to work with children for as long as I live, however I wish that teaching could be “like it use to” as people say. It use to be the child 's fault if they had bad grades and now it is the teachers fault. All blowback hits the teacher. However, all standardized tests are essentially the same, but not all students are the same. So much weight is put into these tests it is completely unfair for the students and teachers. The article from salon.com mentions documentary called “Race to Nowhere: The Dark Side of America’s Achievement Culture”, that is something
Once I decided on what kind of assessment I wanted to use, I then wrote out how I would administer each piece and created the necessary worksheets to go along with them. I tried to incorporate multiple forms of assessment – the structure of worksheets, the freedom of journals, and discussion to talk through thoughts and issues – to provide students with numerous methods of expressing themselves and multiple opportunities to create connections with the material. I also made an effort to give students the chance to work in small groups, as a whole class, and independently so they could support each other’s learning to help make meaning from the content then put it into practice on their own.
Sufficient and current and - Meet internal and external assessment requirement Involve learners in assessment : peer and self-assessment represent an interesting way to involve students in the assessment process as students assess each
I feel like self-assessments are a way to get to know yourself better. They are a way to help you see your strengths and weaknesses by giving you an opportunity to judge for yourself. They expose questions that you might not think about a regular basis. Self-assessments, also, provide a way of correcting your mistakes by making you realize what they are.
Self assessment is a process in which you examine yourself in attempt to discover and learn more about yourself. Your likes, dislikes, behaviors, attitudes and habits can be found during this process. You can use the discoveries to your advantage by accepting or changing strengths and weaknesses. I plan on using this course to enhance my personal skills to become a better student and find success in earning my Bachelor of Arts degree at Ashford University in Social Science. Self Assessment is the first step in my successful future.
Through assessment students and teachers are able to determine the level of mastery a student has achieved with standards taught. Both formative and summative assessment should be purposeful and targeted to gain the most accurate data to drive further instruction (Ainsworth, 2010). While this syllabus does a good job of identifying the need for both formal and informal assessments, the way in which this is communicated does not provide enough detail for understanding. Simply listing assessment types does not give any insight into how these assessments fit in the learning process of this course. While some of the assessments mentioned could be common assessments chosen by the school or district to gain insight into the effectiveness of instruction, the inclusion of authentic assessments is most beneficial to students and demonstrates learning in a context closer to that of a work environment (Rovai, 2004). Unfortunately, this particular course, according to this syllabus, relies heavily on quizzes and traditional tests and essays to form the bulk of assessment opportunities. While other activities, such as formative assessments, journaling and discussions are mentioned as possible avenues for scoring, they are given a very low percentage of the overall grade. This shows that they are not valued for their ability to show progression and mastery. If this is indeed the case, this puts the students as a
In spite of the importance of assessment in education, few teachers receive proper training on how to design or analyze assessments. Due to this, when teachers are not provided with suitable assessments from their textbooks or instructional resources, teachers construct their own in an unsystematic manner. They create questions and essay prompts comparable to the ones that their teachers used, and they treat them as evaluations to administer when instructional activities are completed predominantly for allocating students' grades. In order to use assessments to improve instruction and student learning, teachers need to change their approach to assessments by making sure that they create sound assessments. To ensure that their assessments are sound they need include five basic indicators that can be used as steps to follow when creating assessments. The first of these indicators and the first step a teacher must take when creating a sound assessme...
Assessment is a tool used in the classroom every day. It is used to measure a student’s mastery of a skill or knowledge of a given subject. It is also what demonstrates to the teacher what the students have learned. Educators use that information to determine if they need to re-teach to a specific student, group, or the entire class. They can also use that information to determine the rate of their teaching. Assessments are important because, as teachers, we need to know what difficulties our students have and what needs to be refined for them. While I do believe in assessment and feel that it is one of the key components of teaching, I am more concerned with a child’s process of learning rather than the overall product that comes from it. This is where grades come in for me. Grades determine the students’ level of mastery on a subject, nothing more. Grades should not be the exclusive indicators that a student has learned the information that is presented to them. It is the things a student learns along the way that truly matter and sometimes cannot be measured.
I use assessments to assist me to identify and to develop their learning process. Assessment is not about the final grade, but the learning experience. I would rather have my students know how to look up information and apply knowledge than to memorize it and forget it ten minutes after the test. Learning is a life-long adventure and I want my students to know how to adjust and cope during their adventure. I want my students to have the skills for researching and finding the answer. It is not always that answer which demonstrates learning; it is in the process in which you find the answer that demonstrates learning.