Stone Mattress

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Daniel Leyderman Ms. Haynes ENG4U1-7 March 27, 2024 How are traditional gender dynamics both challenged and supported, and what does it suggest about societal perceptions of female empowerment and autonomy? “Stone Mattress” by Margaret Atwood is a feminist text that explores the story of a widowed and trauma torn Verna, who originally intended for a harmonious vacation, was shocked to be “rebuked” by the man who raped her at the age of 14, and is now faced with the dilemma of either seeking revenge for his heinous actions or ignoring the past. This story demonstrates a feminist perspective as it delves into the false stereotypes and societal pressure placed on women. Through themes such as independence, redemption and vindicity, the author …show more content…

Aren’t they all just hormone puppets at that age? Why should any human being be judged by something that was done in another time, so long ago it might be centuries?” (Atwood). The negative impact of society’s idea of rape contributes to an extreme power shift when it comes to men and women and how they are able to deal with their trauma. It can therefore be interpreted that Verna’s vindictive nature, focused on retribution, could be a sum result of the lack of support and closure she received. This mistreatment of women has allowed men to thrive in society, discouraging female empowerment and independence. When a woman,such as Verna, can go through such a horrible experience and receive no justice or compensation, it can become a catalyst to the social ladder hierarchy when it comes to men vs women and the inequality tied into it. This misogynistic mindset is clearly shown in the story through Bob and what he thought of Verna before and after the sexual assault. The text states, “Cheap”. Cheap and disposable - a good choice. Use and toss the ingredients together. That was what Bob had thought about her, from the very first”

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