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Impact of change on organizations
Chapter 7 organization change; research and theory
Chapter 7 organization change; research and theory
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Explain fully what you believe are the most important features in the successful implantation of organisational change.
In an organisation, there are many variables. These include leadership, those who are involved such as employees, motivations for example financial gain and current economic climate along with many others, for organisational change to be successful there are many features and criteria’s that must be fulfilled before it can lead to success.
Organisational change is when a “Company or organization going through a transformation. Organization change occurs when business strategies or major sections of an organization are altered.”[1] This means that areas of an organisation progress from one position of action to another in the attempt to improve an areas efficiency or ability. The motivation for change can greatly impact on the support of those involved, this could be due to extrinsic factors such as financial gain or intrinsic factors such as ethical practise, this motive however must be strong enough and required with a realistic view for success will promote support from those in the organisation who care for the causation of the change. Those it does not affect will often be ambivalent to the effort required to make the change.
To decide on the action needed to be taken before implementing any change requires great amounts of thought and consideration as each change made is a potential risk for an organisation and some changes may mean interference or conflict between departments of the organisation thus creating an inharmonious mechanism which in turn can seriously affect the performance of an organisation. It is a common analogy that an organisation or business is like a clock, with varying cogs and mechani...
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...ement Model - Change Management Training from MindTools.com. n.d.. MindTools.com. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newPPM_94.htm . [Accessed 20 January 2014].
Forces for and resistance to organisational change- 2010. Fred C.Lunenberg. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.nationalforum.com/Electronic%20Journal%20Volumes/Lunenburg,%20Fred%20C.%20Forces%20For%20and%20Resistance%20to%20Change%20NFEASJ%20V27%20N4%202010.pdf. [Accessed 20 January 2014].
What is organization change? definition and meaning. n.d. Business dictionary [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/organization-change.html. [Accessed 20 January 2014].
Top-down organisational change initiatives n.d. Emerald insight . [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.emeraldinsight.com/learning/management_thinking/articles/pdf/top_down.pdf. [Accessed 20 January 2014].
Institutionalize Change in Organisational Culture – One important question is when does the process end. The successful culmination of change process is when the objectives of that process become a part of the daily organisational culture. When the next generation of management takes over, the objectives should be a part of the whole organisation and not just a single process or department.
Leading Change was named the top management book of the year by Management General. There are three major sections in this book. The first section is ¡§the change of problem and its solution¡¨ ; which discusses why firms fail. The second one is ¡§the eight-stage process¡¨ that deals with methods of performing changes. Lastly, ¡§implications for the twenty-first century¡¨ is discussed as the conclusion. The eight stages of process are as followed: (1) Establishing a sense of urgency. (2) Creating the guiding coalition. (3) Developing a vision and a strategy. (4) Communicating the change of vision. (5) Empowering employees for broad-based action. (6) Generating short-term wins. (7) Consolidating gains and producing more changes. (8) Anchoring new approaches in the culture.
Spector, B. (2013). Implementing organizational change: theory into practice. (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ
In today’s ever changing world people must adapt to change. If an organization wants to be successful or remain successful they must embrace change. This book helps us identify why people succeed and or fail at large scale change. A lot of companies have a problem with integrating change, The Heart of Change, outlines ways a company can integrate change. The text book Ivanceich’s Organizational Behavior and Kotter and Cohen’s The Heart of Change outlines how change can be a good thing within an organization. The Heart of Change introduces its readers to eight steps the authors feel are important in introducing a large scale organizational change. Today’s organizations have to deal with leadership change, change in the economy,
Change is the only constant in life. And therefore it should be understood as part of a continuing work in progress that calls for a much broader canvas that seeks out competing voices, and works with the resulting ambiguities, contradictions and tensions of messy reality (Graetz, F. & Smith, A., 2010). In this submission I try to show that organizational change is majorly based on the environment surrounding it much more than the desire of the members or change agents working in that organization. This view diverts from that of Lippitt, (1958) who suggests that implementing planned organizational changes successfully depends on premeditated interventions intended to modify the functioning of an organization. It also diverts from the traditional approaches to organizational change that generally follow a linear, rational model in which the focus is on controllability under the stewardship of a strong leader or ‘guiding coalition (Collis, 1998). In this discussion therefore, comparison made between the different philosophies of change and I try to show that successful change implantation largely depends on an organizations appreciation of what goes on around it rather than what they have planned as a strategic direction.
Remove barriers: If follow these steps and reach this point in the change process, and will discuss the vision and build the support of all levels of the organization. The Organization shall review the organizational structure, job descriptions, compensation and performance systems to ensure they are in line with this vision. Create urgency for change to occur, it is useful if the whole society really wants. Develop a sense of urgency about the need for change. This can help the company Alphabet Games spark of motivation to get things moving. It will help to identify potential threats, and develop scenarios showing what could happen in the future. It also examines
Change is a fundamental element of individuals, groups and all sorts of organizations. As it is the case for individuals, groups and societies, where change is a continuous process, composed of an indefinite amount of smaller sub-changes that vary in effect and length, and is affected by all sorts of aspects and events, many of which cyclic are anticipated ones. It is also the case for organizations, where change occurs repeatedly during the life cycle of organizations. Yet change in organizations is not as anticipated nor as predictable, with unexpected internal and external variables and political forces that can further complicate the management of change (Andriopoulos, C. and P. Dawson, 2009), which is by itself, the focus of many scholars in their pursuit to shed light on and facilitate the change process (Kotter 1996; Levin 1947; et al).
However, Lewin’s central model centres on unfreezing, effecting change and then refreezing, starting from the status quo, then moving things and then continuing with the new status quo (Green, 2007). Kotter’s change model focuses on establishing urgency, guiding coalition, developing strategy, communication, empowerment, short-term wins, consolidation of gains to produce and anchor new changes (Sabri et al, 2007). Kotter does not engage with the complexity of organisational systems and potential clashing, he sees change being systematic, architectural, political and doesn’t engage strongly with the less deterministic metaphors in the latter steps (Smith et al, 2015). However, Kotter does highlight the importance of communicating the vision and keeping the communication high throughout the process although this starts with a burst of energy and in later stages its followed by delegation and distance (Cameron and green, 2009). Lewin’s change model focuses on people with the collaboration, contribution creating a force field approach to change including the power holders socially, culturally and behaviourally to drive change (Smith et al, 2015). However, Lewin’s approach ignores the metaphor of groups of people only willing to change if there is a need to do so, the model is more of a planning tool rather than an organisational development process (Cameron and green,
The ideal approach to creating change in any organization is to apply a realistic and deductive method of planned change. Within the realm of planned change, there is an eight-step process to implementing a program. However, there are four elements that are fundamental to any plan of action that will allow for an environment conducive to planned change. Planned change requires that those responsible for making decisions are not only rational, but must also have access to specific information pertaining to the plan, as well as the lack of constraints on time and resources (Stojkovic et al., 2008). The four key elements of planned change help to guarantee success in reaching a rational approach to important changes.
The idea of change is the most constant factor in business today and organisational change therefore plays a crucial role in this highly dynamic environment. It is defined as a company that is going through a transformation and is in a progressive step towards improving their existing capabilities. Organisational change is important as managers need to continue to commit and deliver today but must also think of changes that lie ahead tomorrow. This is a difficult task because management systems are design, and people are rewarded for stability. These two main factors will be discussed with reasons as to why organisational change is necessary for survival, but on the other hand why it is difficult to accomplish.
The change process within any organization can prove to be difficult and very stressful, not only for the employees but also for the management team. Hayes (2014), highlights seven core activities that must take place in order for change to be effective: recognizing the need for change, diagnosing the change and formulating a future state, planning the desired change, implementing the strategies, sustaining the implemented change, managing all those involved and learning from the change. Individually, these steps are comprised of key actions and decisions that must be properly addressed in order to move on to the next step. This paper is going to examine how change managers manage the implementation of change and strategies used
The world is constantly changing in many different ways. Whether it is technological or cultural change is present and inevitable. Organizations are not exempt from change. As a matter of fact, organizations have to change with the world and society in order to be successful. Organizations have to constantly incorporate change in order to have a competitive advantage and satisfy their customers. Organizations use change in order to learn and grow. However, change is not something that can happen in an organization overnight. It has to be thought through and planned. The General Model of Planned Change focuses on what processes are used by the organization to implement change. In the General Model of Planned Change, four steps are used in order to complete the process of change. Entering and Contracting, Diagnosing, Planning and Implementing, and Evaluating and Institutionalizing are the four steps used in order to complete the process of change in an organization. The diagnostic process is one of the most important activities in OD(Cummings, 2009, p. 30).
Organisation change is very important and every company should have resistance to change by time to time to get a better performance and motivation. According to the (Burnes, 2004) Change is becoming a present character of organisational life and it is an incremental change. In this case study of Castle home ltd we can see that it was based on emergent planned, Foremen had the knowledge of understanding of the organisation structures, strategies and its culture which will allow managers to choose the most specific approach of resistance to change (Burnes, 1996) but now it is a planned changed which describes a situation where a change agent takes purposeful actions for the change of the organisation from one state to another (Ulster Business School, 2014, p. 24). Wagner, E. (2006) Communication plays a very significant role in term of organisational change strategy which is necessary from time to time in order to having a strong desire to be more successful than competitors and it becomes more efficient so that everyone in the organisation can easily understand it. The main reason of planned change for the organisation is to maximise their effectiveness and to achieve their goals and aim for the higher performance.
One of the first scholars to describe the process of organizational change was Lewin (1974). He described change as a three-stage process that consists of unfreezing, moving and freezing stage. During the unfreezing stage the organizations become motivated to change by some event or objective. The moving stage is like implementation when the organization actually makes the necessary change. Furthermore the freezing stage is reached when the change becomes permanent. Organizational change has also...
Managers are required to form a team that will be capable of leading the way during the organisational change and setting a positive