Essay On Statutory Rape Cases

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According to the Victim oriented multi-disciplinary responses to statutory rape training guide, “Law enforcement often assigns statutory rape cases a much lower priority than incest and forcible rape cases with young children. There is a belief among criminal justice officials that investigation and arrest are a waste of time because prosecutors will not prosecute except in most egregious cases” (Elstein & Smith, 1998). Statutory rape laws should be just as much of a priority as child abuse and forcible rape. Throwing away statutory rape cases is not effective regardless of how hard it is to prosecute. A minor does not know what is best for him or her it should not matter whether or not the victim is willing to testify. If proof that a minor …show more content…

Many prosecutors do not like taking statutory rape cases to trial because they see it as a waste of time, because the minor does not see herself as a victim. A person is not a victim unless they feel that they have had a crime committed upon them. Prosecutors should work harder in trying to convict these cases. Without conviction the offender whether it is man or woman can go out and continue to endanger and have sex with minors. Most people just focus on the statutory rape cases that involve minor girls and adult men. The underreporting of statutory rape cases has always been an issue. The cases that go unnoticed the most deal with younger boys and older women. Since most people already think that statutory rape and forcible rape cases are less likely to happen, people do not pay as much attention to these cases as needed. Young boys being pursued by much older women need to get their cases reported just as much as young girls do. Statutory rape cases dealing with younger men and older women need to be …show more content…

It would always come to the decision of taking it to court or dismissing the case period. Enforcing statutory rape laws should be more of a priority regardless of if the minors wanted to be in the relationship or not. It is understandable to charge a twenty- year-old man or woman who is having sexual intercourse with a fifteen or sixteen- year old, with statutory rape. Statutory rape is not forceful rape but the minors are still victims even if they do not think they are being victimized. The young girls or boys may not feel as if she or he is a victim because they wanted to be in the relationship and wanted the sex that came with being involved with the adult. As said by Lynch “while a district attorney may not take note of a 17-year-old pursuing a 20-year-oId, the purpose of enforcing a statutory-rape law is to ensure that the same 20-year-old resists any attempts for affection by a 14-year-old” (Lynch 1998) That is agreeable no one wants to see a 20 year old in a relationship with someone who is barely a teenager. Statutory rape laws should be revised to make them more understandable so as they can be better enforced to protect both

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