Starbucks Distinctive Competencies

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6. What are the barriers to imitating the distinctive competencies of your company?
When it comes to beverages companies like McDonalds and Dunkin Doughnuts are innovating every day in an effort to match the product line Starbucks has. However, the barrier the companies face is creating something that has a huge brand recognition and following and trying to recreate the quality, flavor, and customer service that comes with the products. When it comes to diversity I think it is hard for a company to match what Starbucks is currently doing. The organization puts a lot in their employees. The issues McDonalds is currently facing with minimum wage would make it difficult for them to push the diversity angel at this time. When it comes to social
Starbucks has done a great job evaluating and responded targeted consumers and fulfilling their need. The company has developed distinctive competencies in an effort to address such needs. On the road to success the company had to determine what the consumer desired and how to satisfy it. If we just look at specialty coffees and teas Starbucks has satisfied that need by providing a high quality snack and beverage service while offering some perceived value. These products provide an edge over their
What new strategies would you advise your company to pursue to increase its competitive advantage? For example, how should your company attempt to differentiate in products in the future, or lower its cost structure?
Starbucks should consider increasing presence in the international segment in order to grow as much as possible in that market. Recently, the company has allowed for the franchising of Seattle’s Best Coffee overseas and by catering more to this type of market they can continue to grow internationally. Because Starbucks focuses on employees, the company should allow management teams the liberty to modify store format, present local product mix and price points to the needs, lifestyles and tastes of each individual market/community.
The business has the runway for growth opportunities. Consumer tastes and lifestyle continue to shift towards more snacks and beverages options. By modifying the menus and allowing for healthier product offerings can increase revenue. Along with that the company should pursue more juices and maybe alcohol products. By building up these products, the potential exists to parallel their coffee products. Like Dunkin Doughnuts, Starbucks could intensify shelf space and increase the efficiency in that distribution channel. There has been a wide fluctuation in the market prices of high quality coffee beans. Starbucks could mitigate by working with suppliers to lock in prices with long term contracts. Starbucks like any organization

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