Stage Four Of Erickson's Eight Stages Of Development

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Stage four of Erickson`s eight stages of development is middle childhood. This stage ranges from around age six to age eleven. It includes elementary school and the beginning of middle school. Each stage has a center crisis that needs to be addressed in order for healthy development to take place. Erickson calls this stage industry versus inferiority. Cognitive development is rapid in this age group. During this stage of development the school age child is rapidly mastering skills and taking in lots of new information. The center of the elementary school student`s universe is school. Children strive to complete tasks to the best of their ability and live up to the expectations of their parents and teachers as well as gain the acceptance and respect of their peers. This age group thrives to prove themselves by successfully completing projects. The importance of the development of self-esteem and self confidence is vital at this age according to Ericson. More successful kids gain a sense of competence while kids who have less success completing tasks might be affected negatively and feel inferior to their peers.
The focus of social development at this age is on forming friendships. Same-sex friendships are more typical at this age. Having a best friend is especially important. Through these friendships children learn to accept other`s opinions and see their point of view. Friends also have the role of emotional support during stressful situations. Physical development varies from child to child; some develop rapidly some go through slower stages of growth. Physical activities within as well as outside of school are highly encouraged to improve gross and fine motor skills. Sports are also an avenue for self validation and sense of...

... middle of paper ... preparation for classes. While the demands are quite higher and the structure may seem strict, the time spent in school is equal to the time spent here in the States but it is utilized better. For example high school is more of a junior college level with mandatory subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, math, literature, history and a foreign language.
Given the fact that cognitive development is rapid and children are able to take on more complicated tasks in middle childhood maybe the answer would be to work more intensely during school hours. Maybe if we buckled down in school and used the hours given to the fullest we could accomplish more without compromising the much needed “down time”. This approach seems like it would be the best of both worlds that would allow children to keep their school breaks but at the same time improve academic achievements.

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