Sports Scholarship Essay

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Succeeding in a Goal Last year, my basketball team made the division championship to go to regionals. It was tough to get to this spot. It’s different from elementary sports, these days. Opponents were stronger, taller, and more competitive. This was the time where we decided what we wanted to do in life. Scouts were starting to come to our games, and it wasn’t easy to get your name on their piece of paper. It’s very hard to get a sports scholarship for college, and even seldom go pro. We had to win this game to go to regionals. The day of the game came, and our whole team was nervous. We’d been working strenuously to get to where we are now. We knew that our opponent had, also. We get to the venue that we’re playing at, and the other girls’ …show more content…

Are they really seventh and eighth graders? This isn’t who we play is it? My stomach was filled with butterflies, my heart just had to be beating at a million miles per minute, and my asthma flared up. I was so nervous, I didn’t know what to do. We then start to warm up, starting with running to half-court and back. As I’m running back to the baseline, two college scouts enter the gymnasium – one from Baylor and one from Texas Christian. Their eyes instantly glazed at the other team. I wasn’t mad, upset, or jealous. I just knew that we had to show what talent we had on this team. It was time for tip-off, and the starting five walked onto the court. We called out who we were guarding, and I had the five-foot-nine number thirty-three. She had some height on me, because I was and still am five-three-and-a-half. I would guard her the rest of the game, and I later found out that her offense AND defense was horrible. She had to have about six traveling violations by halftime. After the second quarter, we were up by fourteen. It was 34 to 20, and I had 13 points. I was so happy and expeditiously ran on the floor when the buzzer sounded to play the second half. The whole second half, I jumped high as I could, I was first down the court, and I had no

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