'Spongebob Have You Tried Wumbo'?

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“SpongeBob have you tried “wumbo”?” “Patrick I don’t think “wumbo” is a real word…” “come on, you know, I wumbo, you wumbo, he, she, we, wumbo, wumboing, wumbology, the study of wumbo…. Come on SpongeBob, this is first grade!”. That is one of my favorite scenes from SpongeBob square pants one of my favorite shows. My taste in shows and stories of any kind is more on the practical side. I like reality. I’m down to earth, so I think. Hearing a story that I know can happen to someone in real life interest me like no other. So why would I start out with a quote from SpongeBob? The most unrealistic show maybe on Tv. Well:it is funny to me. The only way I can sacrifice reality is with comedy. Cartoons usually make me laugh a lot. For example SpongeBob, …show more content…

I just like what I like in a way. Although I’m picky, I still end up watching a lot of wide verity of movies anyway. I still end up watching movies that I go into thinking I won’t like but end up likening. I still end up being crazy picky about the movies I even consider. Even after all that I still end up watching a bunch of movies whether I like them or not. Movies are just a fun time in general for me. Just relax and enjoy the show that people created. Whether I like the movie or not I always respect them because I know a lot of people worked hard to create them so I will never trash a movie. Whether I watch it again is up to …show more content…

The movie I saw most recently was “IT”. That movie is terribly fake and not real at all but the horror movie feeling I get I enjoy so I continue to watch them. I don’t like surprises but in horror movies I do for some odd reason. My favorite horror movie of all time is “Halloween” the movie about Michael Myers. That movie I love so much because of the suspense of it. The movie isn’t really that scary but the plot and the way it was filmed was good to me. I guess that’s maybe that’s the type of movies and stories I like. The ones with good stories and plots with good acting. Cause at the end of the day that’s what it’s all about. If I see that Denzel Washington is in a movie ill watch it only because of him because I know he is A1 in terms of acting. He’s one of the best today and one of the best ever. If I see that the director is Quentin Tarantino I will look into the movie because I know he is a great director and the work he puts in to movies will always be high

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