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Acceptance means embracing what we already have, rather than wishing for what we cannot have. When we accept harsh realities, we find ourselves more at peace and able to experience life more deeply with self acceptance. Even so, acceptance must be guided by our own judgement– learning how to tell the difference between what we can and cannot change about ourselves. For as long as I could remember I would falsely claim to have a crush on the 4th grade “dream boy.” I felt out extremely out of place, because I didn’t have any sort of attraction for boys yet instead for girls. I assumed everyone experienced what I was experiencing, yet it was never spoken of between my peers. Since it was never spoken of I never mentioned it to anyone I knew. …show more content…
We finally got into the topic of homosexuality. We read many passages containing proof homosexuality is a sin, but one quote stuck with me it was 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 it states “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.” On the ride back home I could hear my ears ringing due to the silent atmosphere. I was severally ashamed and disgusted with myself. I can reckon what my family’s reaction would be; it’s safe to assume it wouldn’t be the most welcoming and friendly. I was horrified I couldn't breath, it felt as if someone was choking me. My heart was racing and all I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and wait for someone to save me. But no one would, no one was going to be there for …show more content…
I so deeply desire to adjust who I was. The only way I could change myself is through self punishment. I so heavily relied on self harm to change who I truly am. Punishment quickly shifted to relieve. Self harm so became vital to my daily lifestyle. I silently twisted the lock on the doorknob, and doubling checking no one could come in to the unsettling sight that was soon to unfold. I brought a razor with me not a kitchen knife, therefore I didn’t seem the slightest bit suspicious. I disinfected the razor so the dried blood couldn't make it difficult to carve. As I stepped into the bathtub, I turned on the water so it would be room temperature. I would violently hack off small chunks of my thighs and legs with the cold razor. The warm blood would turn the water into a soft cherry pink. Then after 3 minutes my I was finally stable and I would realize what I was doing and I would stop. After showering I would douse rubbing alcohol on my legs in fear. I bandaged up my legs and headed off to bed. If anyone ever noticed my scars I would tell them it was my cats. Everyone believed me, no one ever
In the debate over homosexuality, Christian ethicists have many authorities to draw from. From the mixture of biblical sources, traditional authorities, empirical and descriptive accounts, and cultural norms, Cahill chooses general biblical themes and modern culture as the primary authorities for her ethic. This departure from traditional Roman Catholic teaching implies some flaw in the connection between the Holy Spirit, the church, and common believers. Cahill’s decision is her method of fixing this disconnect and reuniting Christ’s message with all believers.
Many people in today’s society face challenges within themselves. Some challenges deal with adults paying their bills, while others involve kids and their self-esteem. In the novel Cut, by Patricia McCormick, a young teenage girl experiences just this, self-esteem trouble. According to Angela Kennedy in the article “Self-Injury on Rise,” a shocking 25 percent of people who self-injure said they started by sixth grade or younger; 60 percent by seventh or eighth grade and 12 percent in ninth grade. Inside the book, the reader views Callie’s thoughts from a first person point of view. At first, everything seems normal as Callie runs in her cross-country meet. Things escalate quickly as she runs off the track to her house where she turns to self-mutilation.
Growing up my parents always taught my sister and I that we should always be grateful for what we had. Take care of all our toys and expensive things that they brought us. They taught us that you have to work hard for what you want and nothing is handed to you. Even though me and my sister always got what wanted we also knew that we worked for it and that made getting it even better. I believe my parents raised me pretty good. I always respected them and knew my limits, me and my sister had chores we had to do and if they weren't done by the end of the week we would have a consequence. This taught us responsibility and that in the real world if you don't do your job you would be fired or there would be a consequence you would have to pay. Lately I have noticed that a lot of kids in today's society are very ungrateful. They feel entitled and believe that they shouldn't have to work for anything. They think things should just be handed to them without any questions asked. I think I have a way to stop this rising trait in today's youth.
According to The Bible, homosexuality is a sin in Romans 1:26-27 and Corinthians 6:9. In Romans 1: 26-27, The Bible clearly states homosexuality as being a sin by saying, “Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty of their error.” (New International Version). Corinthians 6:9 also states homosexuality as being wrong by stating, “Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men.” (New International Version). Even though homosexuality is “classified” as a sin, there is no specific methodology to overcoming any sin, and with no specific methodology from The Bible, Conversion Therapy can not be solely biblically based
"[I]t seems appropriate to understand sexual orientation (heterosexual or homosexual) as a deep-seated dimension of one's personality and to recognize its relative stability in a person. Generally, homosexual orientation is experienced as a given, not as something freely chosen. By itself, therefore, a homosexual orientation cannot be considered sinful, for morality presumes the freedom to choose. The teachings of the Church make it clear that the fundamental human rights of homosexual persons must be defended and that all of us must strive to eliminate any forms of injustice, oppression, or violence against them"(Pastoral).
As time went on, as I entered puberty, I began to take a more active, albeit still very discrete, interest in other boys. While in the locker room after physical education, I detected that I was sexually attracted to several of the other boys, and I also saw many boys walking around the school corridors who caught my attention. Sometimes I looked them up in the school's photo catalog to see what their names were, and in my free time, I often dreamt about being physically close to them.
Albert Camus's "Banquet Speech" is revolved around the meaning of art. He defines art as a concept of connecting communities as a whole. Although, art is not a reason for the artist to distinct themselves from the real world. Camus stands behind this when he admits his art is to foresee the truth behind this world and to see deeper into the people suffering from the truth. For him, as the writer, he believes his art work reaches out to everyone because he does not see himself any different from the readers. They are all the same. No judgements or hatred takes place in the piece of work but only the beauty of the community.
Likewise also, the men, leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. This quote states that the lust for another man and leaving behind the woman, who is made for man, is a sin and it shall be punished. Those who feel homosexuality is wrong feel that we should “say no” to these sinful desires and choose what is right in the eyes of God. According to them, there are more than a dozen passages in the Bible that state the sinfulness of homosexuality.... ...
Change can have many meanings. It is going from “same” to “different”. Change can be defined as an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another and as a process of transition. The forces of change affect attitudes, beliefs and behavior. Not a single moment goes by when everything in our lives will remain the same. When you become adjusted to your surroundings, something changes again. Changes can affect both individuals and groups. Throughout our lives we go through many changes, especially in adolescence.
“Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.” – Eleanor Roosevelt. These are some very wise and empowering words, I must say. I believe many teenagers in today’s generation are most of the time wearing a mask. A mask that is made up of what the world wants them to be, a mask that they think may protect them from not allowing others in, a mask that was built from peer pressure, a mask that was formed from bullying. There’s always a story behind someone’s mask, as I call it. Most of the time teens nowadays are afraid to be themselves, to be individuals, due to the way they think people will perceive them. I do have to say though, that those that have ripped their masks away are the ones that have truly become individuals. Of course,
Self-awareness is not about reading a book or attending a course. Self-awareness is a journey, and it takes practice. It’s like a muscle that becomes more effective with time and effort. It gives us mental strength as opposed to physical strength. We are constantly changing and adapting to the multiple external forces around us and to our individual experiences. The more we learn to be aware of, and understand, our reactions, thoughts, and emotions, while also keeping in mind our values, the more we can become the best we can be and the more successful we can become.
Many Christians have never fully read the bible and base their understanding of it on word of mouth. Looking at it closer, one would notice that many parts of the bible are not of any use or are mostly rejected in today’s society, which is why we should reevaluate its teachings and revoke any that are no longer needed. Even the Pope has gone against scripture that is unacceptable in our world today. “If they accept the Lord and have goodwill, who am I to judge them?” This is a quote from Pope Francis, stating that as long as a person does good, who is anyone to judge them. In the Old Testament it says, “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.” (NKJ, Leviticus 18:22) and “If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.” (NKJ, Leviticus 20:13) Not only do these quotes condemn homosexuality they illustrate the lack of equality due to the lack of representation of women in the law. In the New Testament, Jesus never directly mentions homosexuality, but instead condemns all forms of sexual immoral behavior. “What comes out of
Prejudice is a word that is used to describe people who categorize others into groups based on their skin color, race, or religion. I am reading a book in my English class. In this book, there are many misunderstandings and stereotypes, but one of the things in it is prejudice. There are many examples of prejudice in the book that relate to how people use it in our society. Prejudice is something that everyone has and can never get rid of it. In the book called, To Kill A Mockingbird, which is the book I am reading, prejudice is all around and you have to deal with it or just not be prejudiced to anyone so they won’t say anything to you. No matter what you do, there will always be someone who is prejudice and won’t stop. The book also shows
Every single person has goals in their life. These goals can range from life events like graduating college, buying off a house, paying off a car, or saving enough money to go on a vacation. Many also have vague goals such as loose weight, live a simpler life, and be happier. Be happier, how does one go about doing such a thing? It is a goal and thought many have, but one that most do not know how to act upon and make into reality. Below are ways to improve one’s personal level of happiness.
Mindfulness is defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary as “the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one's thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis.” Many people practice mindfulness to reduce stress, but it has also been shown to reduce rumination, stress, and emotional reactivity. On the other side, mindfulness has been been linked to boosting memory, focus, and cognitive flexibility while aiding in relationships (Davis and Hayes, 2012). This state of thought is useful not only for people already anxious, but also for those preparing to enter more stressful situations. Practicing mindfulness earlier on can help with finding coping mechanisms before one is put in a stressful